Chapter 14

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3 months later...

"Charlie, you got a minute?" I stopped in front of the Admission Office.

"Of course, Ernie. Got something for me?" I grinned at him.

"A letter from your brother." He handed me the envelope. "What got you all cheered up today?"

"What do you mean?" I kept looking at the letter.

After all these months it still felt amazing getting a couple of letters per week from Bill.

"I heard you whistling walking here. You only whistle when you're in a really good mood." He smirked.

"It's the first Saturday in August, Ernie. You know what that means!" I couldn't hide the smile that spread across my face.

I can't believe Ernie noticed when I whistle.

The truth is, I don't recall the last time I was this happy. The mating season was over. Bill and I were on speaking terms again. Just last month I was able to see all my siblings and my parents again.

We had a family reunion and Bill and I got Ron drunk by accident. We had two bottles on the table. One with wine and the other with apple juice and we forgot to check the bottle before pouring him a drink.

He, of course, didn't say anything and after two glasses he was hammered. Bill and I couldn't stop laughing at the way he spoke and he was so tipsy. He tried getting up and almost fell flat on his face and then found it so funny that he fell off the bench we were sitting on.

It wasn't funny when mum found us and saw something was wrong. Bill tried to distract her but failed and she figured us out. She made us take Ron to bed and then we planned to hide in the attic with the ghoul but mum found us and she shouted in our faces for a solid hour. I felt as if I was 12 again.

When she stopped she made us go down and wait on our family members for the rest of the night. Before we did, we made an excuse that we need to use the toilet and we locked ourselves in the bathroom on the middle floor and started laughing so hard I thought I won't be able to catch a breath. We might be 23 and 25, which is way too old to make mum so mad, but we didn't care. We were having the time of our lives.

I can't begin to describe how happy it made me that I could hang out with Bill again, with my siblings. To get a bone-crushing hug from Ginny and play chess with Ron. It's indescribable. For the first time since I started working in Romania, I wanted to plan my days off to go and see them again and I was loving it.

I was finally myself again. Talking to my family. Supporting and being there for my siblings. Teasing Bill for being so in love and having the best job in the world. I even made myself a bookshelf and I am slowly filling it with books.

My routine in the Sanctuary is more or less the same. I wake up, make myself some coffee and go watch the sunrise. I am no longer overthinking if Rhylee's going to be there and if she is, we simply watch the sun showing itself from behind the mountains together.

I didn't think I would be able to be friends with her after what happened at her place that night but we grew even closer. She was one of my best friends. That didn't mean my feelings for her faded away. But they were easier to bear now that I didn't feel guilty for being in love with her.

I have come to terms that I will never call her mine. It was painful – I am not going to lie about that – but at least I can move on and not overthink her every move.

Bill and my friends in the Reserve all think that I should tell her how I feel but every time they try and persuade me I stop them. I made a mistake telling my mates what Bill told me about Nick. Ever since I did they are trying to do everything to bring me and Rhylee together. At first, I wanted to kill them but now I just find it amusing.

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