Chapter 9

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On the Saturday after the week Rhylee found out about the trial, I woke up early. I looked through my window and saw a cloudless sky. It was the perfect opportunity to hike up to my favorite spot and watch the sunrise. I have been so busy all week that I simply didn't find the time to do it and I missed it so much.

I got dressed and made myself some coffee. I stretched and went outside. I took a long whiff of fresh air. It does wonders to the lungs. I loved that it was getting warmer. The summer breeze was just around the corner. I started walking toward the hill.

I loved living here because it wasn't as hot in the summer as in most places. After all, we were surrounded by mountains but at the same time, we didn't get that much rain and it was rarely windy because we were in the valley, hidden from the rest of the world. Surrounded by nature, magic, and dragons. What a perfect life.

I felt so energized this morning. I don't know why, but I was in a better mood than I was most days this past week. I slept well and I was excited to watch the sunrise. I wish Aami was still just a baby, I would love to bring him along.

I did it once. Nobody knows about it because Peter would probably kill me but since Aami can't fly, I couldn't resist. He walked around, his eyes on me as I explained why I liked to sit on a rock and stare at the sun. It was one of my fondest memories of him.

I came to the top and put my hands on my knees, panting. A week without hiking or going for a run and I was already out of shape.
Come on, Charlie!

I looked up, to see how the sun was progressing and wanted to take a step closer to the place where I usually sit when I stopped. I stood frozen on the spot as if someone stupefied me. It was Rhylee. She was sitting on the same boulder, waiting for the sunrise, as I usually was. Why was she here?

Wasn't it enough that I was spending so much time with her already? I know I brought it on myself when I offered to help her with the case but I couldn't say no to her. I couldn't gaze into those beautiful eyes of hers and tell her that I won't help her.

But I was not okay with this. She can't take this away from me too. This was my happy place. The place where I came to empty my head and forget about my worries. The fact that I had feelings for her was one of my biggest concerns these days and her being here meant I can't let go of that.

There is no way she saw me. If I turn around and sneak away she will never know I was here and I can go find a new spot from where to watch the sunrise from.

Yes, that's what I'll do! I turned around and started walking back down the hill.

"Charlie? Is that you?"

Fuck. How did she hear me?

I slowly turned back around, cursing my heart for not obeying me to just beat normally, and waved at her.


Could I be more awkward? Charlie, you're such a git!

"Is this the place you were describing when you told me you go sunrise watching?" She said gently. I can't believe she remembered that I told her that. I just nodded. "Want to join me?"

Not really, Rhylee. I would rather roll myself back down to the village than sit next to you and watch the bloody sunrise.

Did I do that?
Her smile won. It always does.

I can't resist her lips curving into a hopeful expression, indicating that she would love to spend time with me. I'm too weak and I didn't care. I hated myself for it but I couldn't help it. Most days it felt like an invisible string was drawing me toward her and I couldn't get away. I wanted to be around her all the time. I wanted to talk to her and make her laugh. I wanted to hug her and touch the soft skin of her cheeks. I wanted to kiss her forehead and hold her hand.

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