Chapter 15

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I woke up abruptly the next morning after hearing something break in the kitchen. The headache was drumming against my skull and as I rubbed my eyes the events of last night all came back. I couldn't stop a smile painting my face.

I haven't felt this happy in a long time. I also haven't felt so tired in ages. I went to grab the alarm clock on my nightstand. We slept for 2 hours. Let's just say that we were too busy breaking Rhylee's orgasm record over and over again.

"Shit." I put the clock back as I heard her voice.

There were still clothes all over the floor and it took me a minute to find some boxers.

"Rhy?" I rushed to the kitchen to see what she was doing.

I leaned on the doorway of my bedroom and yawned. The kitchen was empty. Where was she? Just as I yawned again she stormed past me out of the bathroom. She didn't even glance at me, her cheeks soaked with tears.

This isn't going to end well, is it?

"Rhy?" I said her name again and when I didn't get a response – her only trying to wipe her cheeks – I decided to put a stop to this.

I walked over to her slowly, careful not to startle her as it looked like she wasn't present. I extended my arm to reach hers.

"Don't..." She jumped away, finally acknowledging my being there. "Please, don't touch me." She sniffed and started wiping her tears away again.

She was wearing her dress over her waist, her breasts bare naked. She was a complete mess. She rubbed her nose with the back of her hand and started stumbling around the apartment again, desperately trying to find something.

I was observing her for a minute, trying to figure her out but couldn't. I couldn't bear to look at her being so miserable.

"Can you stop for a minute?"

"No, no I can't, Charlie!" She stopped anyway and finally looked at me.

I wish she hadn't. I knew that look. That's how I looked at Bill the morning he woke me up when we slept together at the Burrow. The guilt – the realization of what happened and just how wrong it was. It broke something in me, her looking at me like that.

I knew this was going to happen. I knew it was a bad idea but I just couldn't stop. I couldn't resist kissing her. I know we were drunk but we weren't that drunk that we weren't aware of what we were doing.

I remember everything. Every second, every kiss, every touch, every moan. And I know she does too. That's why she is panicking so much right now. She has no idea what to do about the situation or with the feeling inside her chest. I know it's tearing her apart and I feel bad that I don't feel guilty.

If I knew she was happy with Nick, I would. Heck, I probably wouldn't even make a move yesterday. I would let her go when she tried to leave. But I know she wasn't happy. Everything she did told me she wasn't and I couldn't understand why was she still with him.

We could be together. I know we are made for each other. It was perfect last night and I am not talking just about sex. That was a bonus. It was so much more. The feeling of belonging. Us laughing like idiots in the shower. The looks we gave each other. How she fell asleep in my arms, moving more and more into me as if I wasn't close enough.

We didn't talk much, but we didn't have to. We said enough with just being together. We understood each other on a level that I never thought possible and no words could ever explain it better than our actions.

Was it wrong if I felt hopeful? Was it wrong that I didn't feel bad at all and if I could I would repeat last night without thinking twice about it? It probably was. Perhaps I was a bad person for thinking like this, but I couldn't help it. If I thought I was in love with her before then I don't even know how to describe my feelings now.

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