Chapter 8

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"How's your wing today, little buddy?" Aami took a step towards me and started blowing smoke out of his nostrils. "Okay. You're not little anymore." I giggled to myself. "You'll always be a baby to me, Aami."

I did a motion with my wand which made the dragon's meal levitate from the ground and towards him.

"Do you think we can try and jump in the air?"

This was my technique to help him fly. Everybody lost hope already. I didn't and I won't. His wing might not be as it's supposed to be but I believe he can do it anyway.

I levitated the steak a few meters above his head. From left to right. He was moving his tail behind him, curiously eyeing his meal.

"That's it. You just have to want it enough." I lifted the piece of meat higher. "I promise I won't call you little anymore if you try and catch it!"

I know he couldn't understand me but I didn't care. I talked to all dragons. My teammates were making fun out of me all the time and they imitated me. The last time Theo did it, he almost got scorched by Ogto. We told him that his voice is simply too rough and that he should try a gentler approach. There was nothing more fun than to tease Theodore during work.

"You want it, Aami. I can see it in your emerald eyes, now try and jump. Don't be afraid." Sometimes I didn't even recognize my voice, how gentle it was when I was talking to him. I was a sucker for him since he hatched.

"How's parenthood treating you?" I jumped in the air, hearing the voice behind me.

I lost my concentration and the steak fell straight into the Fireball's mouth.

"Peter, now look what you did!" I frowned at him.

"Sorry, Charlie. I thought you heard me coming." Peter couldn't suppress his laugh.

"I was too busy concentrating." I sighed, watching Aami chew on the big piece of meat.

"Still no luck?" Peter came closer.

"No." I bowed my head. "I'll keep trying."

"I admire your determination, Fireball Mother." He put a hand on my back. "I am certain that one day you two will succeed."

"Thanks, Peter." I smiled appreciatively.

They might've lost hope but at least they were still supportive.

"Your team needs your help, Charlie. Are you almost done here?" Peter suddenly remembered why he came to see me.

"I think he's going to be just fine until dinner." I glanced at the dragon. The steak already gone. "What's up?"

"Rhylee has reasons to believe that Ren caught a cold." Peter started to explain. "Theo, of course, went to check it out at once."

"And let me guess, he got hurt?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Of course, he got hurt! He didn't listen to Rhylee and Evan that we should wait for you and Ren sneezed right at him." Peter pinched the bridge of his nose.

I pressed my lips together not to laugh. I couldn't get the image out of my mind. I could see how Ren sneezes and blows Theodore backward.

"Did he forget that he's a wizard and that he should use a stunning charm before doing something so risky?" I chuckled.

"What else!" Peter said and I followed him to Ren's enclosure.

"I brought someone with brains!" Peter shouted when we approached the group.

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