Chapter 3

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"Fred, if you don't come out of there right this instance..." I opened my eyes and sat up immediately.

I forgot how it's like waking up here. Mum's voice was echoing through the house. Doors slamming. Footsteps up and down the stairs. Knocking on doors. Ginny begging Ron to get out of the bathroom. I laid back down and closed my eyes. Perhaps if I try really hard I can sleep through this for just a little while longer. I used to be able to do it.

I did miss my family but I did not miss waking up to this. I live alone in the Sanctuary and even though I wake up around 5 in the morning on most days I don't mind it because it is so peaceful. I can hear birds chirping and dragons roaring and honestly, nothing can top that.

I usually make myself coffee in my little kitchen, put it in a thermos, and hike up the nearby hill. It is the best place to watch the sunrise. I sit down and watch the sun slowly moving across the sky. If I wasn't working with dragons I would say that that is my favorite part of my day.

"Ron! Please, I have to pee!" Ginny's voice made me open my eyes again.

I might not live here anymore but I still felt like it's my duty to keep the peace between my younger siblings as much as possible.

"Use the other bathroom!" I heard Ron shout back.

"Fred flooded the upstairs one and Bill is showering in the downstairs one!" Ginny knocked on the door again.

After all these years I still don't know how mum did it. I know it was my parents' choice to have so many kids but listening to this for more than 23 years had to take a toll on you.

"I don't care, Ginny. I'm not done in here!" Ron protested.

I ran my hand across my face, took a deep breath, and stood up. I put on the jumper I brought with me and a pair of sweatpants. If I was going to spend the entire day running after my siblings, might as well be comfy doing so.

I opened the door and felt someone knocking me over.

"What the..." I opened my eyes and saw George getting off me.

"Sorry, Charlie. I was trying to run away from..."

"George, if you think you are getting away with this!" George turned his head towards the door and I looked at mum standing in the doorway, her hands on her hips.

Her face was red with rage and I swear I could see a vein popping out in the middle of her forehead. I did not miss that face at all.

"Mum, let me handle this," I said gently and helped George stand up.

"Fred has flooded the toilet, Ginny can't go to the bathroom, and George here..."

"Mum, seriously. Let me handle this." I raised my hand at her to stop her from talking.

"Alright." She sighed. "I'll try and make some breakfast. Poor Bill, what will Rhylee think of our family after such a disastrous morning!" She shook her head and disappeared out of our sight.

"Oh, no! You're not going anywhere." I grabbed George's hand as he was about to flee.

"C'mon, Charlie. I thought you were on our side!" He looked disappointed.

"It's Christmas Eve, Georgie, can't you give mum a break for one day?" I pleaded.

"But we didn't do anything wrong!" George tried to defend himself.

"Yeah, right." I rolled my eyes in disbelief. "So Fred flooded the bathroom on his own?"

"We still had some fireworks left from yesterday..." He started to explain, trying desperately to get out of my grip but I only tightened it. "So Fred and I got curious what would happen if you light them up with water around."

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