Chapter 10

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My feet were glued to the ground, unable to move. The second I heard her say my name I knew this was a mistake. Why did I listen to those idiots? And what was I thinking about coming here without a plan? What am I supposed to say why I came to see her? To profess my love to her?

I can't.

Even if my friends were right and she does feel the same way. I still feel too guilty to do anything about it. I have to talk to Bill first. I have to go and see him and I have to confess what I've done. If I make it out of there alive, then perhaps I'll think about it. It depends on how he'll feel about the whole situation.

The worst part was that due to us not talking and Rhylee not mentioning anything, I had no idea if he ever got around to asking her out or if they were together. I would know if they were, right? But then again, Rhylee was very private about her life in England and Bill hasn't written to me for far longer than I would like to admit. The only thing I knew is that he was in the Order like I was and that he has taken a desk job at Gringotts, leaving everything behind in Egypt.

The fact that I admired him for it was an understatement. He gave up his job to be closer to home, to help out with the Order as much as he could and what was I doing? Feeling sorry for myself and beating my head over the fact that I am drifting further away from my family every single day.

Bill was the better man, he always was. That's why I need to talk to him before I do anything else. It's time to man up, Charlie, and own up to your fucking mistakes.

"Good evening," I said, grinning like an idiot.

"What are you doing here, Charlie?" She looked exhausted.

We have been pretty busy working on the case but I know she loved every minute of that and I had a hunch that something else was wrong. Her eyes were puffy and she had a handkerchief in her hand. Was she crying?

"The guys missed drinking with you so I came to see if everything's okay." It terrified me how good of a liar I was becoming.

"I'm fine. Just...tired." She tried desperately to hide the handkerchief behind her back.

She smiled weakly and invited me inside.

"Can I make you some tea?" She asked softly.

"That would be great." Merlin's beard did I want to ask her what was wrong but I didn't want to intrude on her privacy.

If it was about the trial or the dragon she would've told me by now.

I sat on the sofa cross-legged and leaned on the side of it, observing her making the tea. My eyes were scanning her body, every inch of it imprinting on my brain. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and pajama shorts and for some reason woolen socks even though it was the middle of May.

Damn, it irritates me that I can't find the words to describe how beautiful she is. Extraordinary would come close. She was so graceful moving around her small kitchen, even though she wasn't radiating her usual confidence.

"Here you go." Her voice brought me back to reality.

"Thanks," I murmured.

She sat down next to me, one of her legs over my crossed one. Why did she have to be so affectionate and why did I have to overthink it every time?

"You know what I never asked you?" She said, her eyes on her cup.

I simply hummed to make her continue.

"How do you like Fleur?" She blew on her tea.

"Fleur?" I repeated the name.

Who in the bloody hell is Fleur?

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