Chapter 18

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It was a few days after my birthday and I was feeling rather cheerful. My friends made a surprise party for me and nothing made me happier than Rhylee showing up. She seemed to be doing better. She was still shy and didn't talk to me much but compared to before, this was progress.

It actually looked like she slept for once and she wasn't trying to run away. Theo made her laugh with his stupid jokes and her hair wasn't a mess for a change. I was happy she was doing better and I was hoping that with a little more time, she would come around and talk to me.

I hiked to my usual spot before work, a bit sad that she wasn't there. I watched the sunrise and appreciated the silence surrounding me until I heard a roar. I got up at once and followed the noise. I could be mistaken but I think that was Gorra, our Chinese Fireball.

"What is going on?" I asked Andrew the second I got there, hands over my ears as Gorra didn't stop roaring. It sounded as if she was in pain.

"I think she stepped on something!" He replied.

"Charlie, where in the bloody hell is Rhylee?!" Theo shouted while trying to get Gorra's attention.

I looked around, she was the only one who wasn't there. I didn't have a watch but I was pretty sure we were all supposed to be at work already.

"I swear if she's late one more time, you'll have to do something about it, Weasley!" Theo stepped aside just in time as the Fireball jerked her head, almost knocking him to the ground.

"Seriously, Charlie." Evan looked at me, wand at the ready, observing the dragon's moves. "We need one more person."

"I'm on it!"

Damn it, Rhylee! Where are you?

I ran down to her hut as fast as I could and knocked. No answer. I pressed my ear on the door and I couldn't hear anything. I knocked again, harder this time. Still no sound. I tried the door. It was unlocked.

The but was empty. There was nobody there. But that wasn't the weirdest part. It looked vacant. As if nobody lived here at all. There were no books on her coffee table as they usually were. The blanket she kept on the side of her sofa was gone. I didn't dare to step further inside and investigate. What was going on?

"Charlie?" I jumped in the air at Peter's voice and turned around. "What are you doing?" He asked with a worried expression on his face.

"We need help with Gorra. Andrew reckons she stepped on something and we need more people." I explained.

"Okay," he said slowly. "I'll help, no problem."

"Let's go then." I stood still for a second longer and then followed him back to the Fireball habitat.

I couldn't get the image of her empty but out of my head but I couldn't afford to think about it now. Gorra needed help.

"Why were you snooping around Rhylee's place?" He asked as we were hurrying up the hill.

"She didn't show up at work and since we were a few people short I came to get her."

"She didn't tell you." He murmured more to himself than to me.

"What?" I turned to him and I could see he was going about it in his head.

"Charlie," he stopped and grabbed my elbow for me to stop walking as well, "Rhylee left the day after your birthday. I thought you knew."

I stood and stared at him like a statue. I didn't understand what he was saying.

"What do you mean she left?" I tilted my head. "I didn't give her a day off."

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