The Vault

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Blood Fist cracks his neck and knuckles as he slowly stands up and looks out across the opened cell door. Standing on the other side is Dr. Mekanikku, a smirk plastered over his face. Blood Fist walks out and looks down at the man who just freed him and nods. He nods back and the two begin to move throughout Tartarus. The walk was a brief one, only being over to a large service elevator to the lowest levels of the prison. Once he was down inside, Blood Fist cracks his neck again and looked back at the doctor.

Mekanikku nods at him and he presses a button to go down to the final floor of the prison. Once the door opened Mekanikku was the first to step out was the two guards around the door looked at him.

Guard 1: Dr. Mekanikku? Sir, the psychiatric ward is on level 5 not-

Blood Fist emerged and ran forward, grabbing both guards before they could even fire a shot and bashed their heads together. Mekanikku walks past them and looks down at the bodies. He cocks an eyebrow at him and Blood Fist nods before punching their heads down onto the ground and killing them both. The two then walked onward to a giant steel door. Mekanikku pointed to the door and Blood Fist grabbed the handle pulled.

Almost instantly, the door flew off of the hinges. Both Blood Fist and Mekanikku walked inside the vault. The source of the power they seeked for their supplier. Mekanikku was the first to smirk as he looked it over.

Blood Fist: And this is supposed to let me cleanse the sinners by how exactly?

Dr. Mekanikku: Oh, my friend. The resources we will gather with this will be more than beneficial. Shall we?

Blood Fist nodded and walked over to pick up the device. Mekanikku looked down at a pad and pressed a few buttons. He then looked over his watch and saw the second's hand almost hit the "12". He took a deep breath and mentally prepared himself for what was to come.

Blood Fist: You'll be fine. Do you have the duplicaint?

Mekanikku nodded. The second the hand landed on "12", Mekanikku's locker exploded. The psychiatric study room, offices, break room all blew up. Blood Fist's cell exploded as well. The automated defense system came back up online and began to fire at nothing but the walls, weakening them to the base component. Tartarus was in pure chaos. Mekanikku smirked a little as he and Blood Fist ran over to a wall. When the defense system came online down there, Mekanikku went into his tablet and hacked into it, overriding it. He redirected it to a wall and opened fire.

After a few minutes of shooting, the wall got to the point of breaking. Looking at the camera feeds, Mekanikku noticed that the prison was still in minor chaos. Some prisoners were escaping while others were being gunned down along with guards. Some guards checked up on the psychiatric ward, others to the lower decks of prisoners.

Dr. Mekanikku: We need to move, now!

Blood Fist nodded and put the package down and began to punch through the wall. Finally, it broke open and brown liquid began to seep into the room. The sewers were cracked open. Mekanikku took off his lab coat and wrapped the package up in it before Blood Fist ran inside first. The villain turned back to the doctor.

Dr. Mekanikku: You remember the plan from here?

Blood Fist: Doctor, I'm a psychopath. Not a dumbass. I know exactly what to do from here.

Dr. Mekanikku: Very well. Hit me.

Blood Fist nodded and backhanded the doctor, launching him across the room and into a metal shelf, knocking him out. Both the watch and the tablet were destroyed in the process. From where he landed, the doctor would not drown with the swear water but would have some brain problems. Blood Fist then ran off.

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now