The Club

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After sometime as the night progressed, you and Midnight had arrived at the nightclub ran by Chikyu Akinari. You both were sitting at the bar in usual nightclub attire. You had both left your masks in either your suit or purse and were carefully looking around the place for any type of activity. Neither of you could see Akinari at the moment so you both decided to remain on the casual side of things.

(Y/N): I swear, these places get louder and louder the more you go to them.

Midnight: I'd like to think the opposite.

(Y/N): Well, we know who's been out clubbing more.

Midnight: You broke up with me. I had to find some way to cope.

You sighed and rolled your eyes and turned back to the bar. She turned back to look out towards the crowd and leaned back and smirked. You glanced down at the main doors to the club and saw that Chikyu had walked inside. You tapped Midnight and motioned for her to turn back to you. You wrapped your arm around her and gave a drunk laugh as Chikyu walked past you both with four armed guards and a woman beside him.

You both turned to face him once he was clearly past. You nodded at Midnight and she returned it before you both got a move on. You each went to a different bathroom and went to two vents over some stalls and pulled out cases holding your costumes. You both went through the vents and up to the second floor where the offices of the officials were. You looked down and clicked a button on your phone to give Midnight the signal.

After a couple of seconds, you both hear a similar signal from her. You sighed and placed your mask over your face and draped your hat over your eyes and readied your deck. You took a deep breath and opened the door from the storage room and went on the assault against your enemies. You threw your first spade out and it hit one of the guards in the shoulder. You deployed your four of clubs and got two nunchucks out and began to go to town.

You unleashed several hits against a few more guards. As three more ran in from around the corner, you jumped over to a wall and leaped off of it and flew away from the enemies. You rolled along the ground and turned back to the incoming enemies. Once you did, another goon emerged from down the hall until they were kicked in the face by Midnight. She flipped over them and used her quirk on the same goon to knock them out.

She looked down the hall and saw you and nodded. You nodded back and Midnight flipped down to run further down the hall. You took off your hat and used it as a shield from gunfire. You back stepped down the hall with Midnight and she rolled behind you and ran down the longer connecting hallway.

The door at the end of the hallway opened and another goon stepped out with a pistol. Midnight reached out with her whip and pulled the man back and allowed you to hit them in the face with your hat. Midnight ran into the room and you leaped in while throwing two spades back and getting more goons in the body with your cards. You both got into the room and slammed the door closed. Behind a desk was Chikyu, who stood up with a pistol and fired at you.

You both dodged the bullet and you ran up and slammed your shoulder into the mob boss, sending him to the wall and knocking him out.

Midnight: Little help here!

(Y/N): Gotcha!

You ran back over to Midnight and summoned two bo staffs and propped them under the door handle while she flipped a filing cabinet to block the door. Another gun cocks and you both turned around and saw the woman from earlier aiming the gun at you.


Midnight stepped in front of you and held up her hand and used her quirk again. The girl clearly was resistant to it and still held up the gun. You slowly reached up to your hat and the woman noticed and slowly moved the gun to aim towards you. Midnight noticed and punched her in the face, knocking her out.

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now