Another Mobster

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You were sitting in your car, waiting for Midnight. You were concerned for her well-being, about how this whole plan could go and would it even go as successfully as the hypothetical made it out to be. You took a deep breath, trying to calm your nerves the best you could possibly be. You took out your deck of cards and began to play a game of solitaire as you waited for Midnight and her signal. You took another deep breath, doing whatever you could to calm your nerves.

Meanwhile, walking down the street to this club, Midnight saw a limo pull up to the curb. She smirked, realizing how well this could work out for herself and for her allies. She waited in the line until Miriro Gyakusatsu himself stepped out and yawned a little. Midnight took a deep breath to mentally prepare herself for this role and stepped out of the line to get a better view of Gyakusatsu. The mobster noticed her as well and smirked as he saw Midnight. She returned the smile with her own sexy gaze.

Gyakusatsu motioned with his finger for her to walk over and she did so. Some in the line saw her and gave her disgusted looks but she didn't pay attention. She had a mission after all. Gyakusatsu didn't say much of anything but wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her inside the club. Midnight placed her head on his shoulder as she sneakily sent you a message despite the security around the two.

Midnight: "Inside with Gyakusatsu now."

You were quick to see the message and relaxed yourself a little. You stepped out of your car to get some fresh air but kept to the shadows. You decided to look around, just to get a taste of the area. You glanced around, not seeing much other than people ready to party 24/7, drunk bastards tripping over themselves, and a bunch of random people yelling random things. Other than that, things seem quiet on this street. You then looked up and were surprised by seeing a figure almost float over to the club's roof. You already knew who it was. You then got another text, this time from Hawks.

Hawks: "Found Wolfrum. PSC and I are taking him down now. I'll get your hat!"

You smiled at the development. Still, you had to take a deep breath. Graviton was here and was unaware that either you or Midnight were there as well. You sighed and went to the back entrance of the club and banged on the door. A bouncer walked out and looked at you.

Bouncer: Entrance is on the other side bub.

(Y/N): Hero business.

Bouncer: Yeah...right.

You took out your license and showed him. His eyes widened a bit as he slowly closed the door.

Bouncer: I need to talk with my boss first and-

You pulled the door open and hit him in the chin with your palm, knocking him out.

(Y/N): Man. Bouncers, not as good as they once were.

You pulled the bouncer inside and walked on in. You quickly used your cards to teleport to the upper levels and hide along the rafters and ceiling to avoid detection. The elevator opened and out stepped Midnight and Gyakusatsu. You followed them through the rafters, listening in on their conversations.

Midnight: (Laughs) You're so funny!

Gyakusatsu: What can I say, baby, people love the joker.

Midnight: How many ladies show you that love though?

Gyakusatsu: Enough to make a fortune.

Midnight: Really?! Well, (rubs shoulders) can I get involved in this business?

Gyakusatsu: Depends really. You some sort of prostitute?

Midnight: I never said it had to be money.

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now