Date Night

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The week of internships had come to a close, so, despite all the fun times you had with your little protege, it was time for him to return to UA High. You were sad to see the young man leave like this, but you were also happy that you got to train him the best you could for that short period of time. You saw him pack up his gear and did one last check over of the costume before he finally closed the case and lifted it. He turned back to you and smile as he walked over to you.

Ace: It's been a lot of fun, Dandy Man.

(Y/N): The same goes to you kid.

You both stared at one another before he offered you a fist bump. You chuckled slightly and returned it. You waved Ace off as he returned home to UA.

(Y/N): Looking forward to your future, Ace.

You sighed and walked back inside your agency to continue your work. Things seemed pretty good for the most part. Like before, there were no major crimes to report on so there was no reason for a large threat to take place. You weren't complaining about that one though. After training Ace for the whole week while also handling your love life, and trying to save the city from threat after threat, you could use a solid break from work. After you texted Midnight a bit, you decided to close up the office for the day and head on home to get ready for the night.

Tonight was the planned date night between you and Midnight and you to make it great given the fact that work really ate up much of your time that week. When you got home, you could hear the shower running in the bathroom. So, you opted out of using it and instead went to a spare bathroom and got rinsed up. You weren't expecting a full on fancy candlelit dinner for two but you didn't want to look like a pig either.

You put on a nice suit and tie along with a more appropriate hat for the whole thing. After getting yourself ready, you cracked your back and took a small swig of alcohol from your flask.

Midnight: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Yeah!

Midnight: Just making sure. Ready?

(Y/N): Be out in a second.

You finished combing your hair and finally walked out of the spare bedroom. When you did, you stopped and saw Midnight standing in the kitchen. She had a scarlet dress on that you found breathtaking. You honestly had no words on just how beautiful it was to see her. She turned back to you and smiled, also having a blush on her face upon seeing her. The blush must have been smaller compared to yours because she looked at you and made some comment that you didn't hear.

Midnight: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Uh, yes. What's up?

Midnight: I asked if this was ok? Or was it too much?

(Y/N): You look amazing, as always.

Midnight: I'm serious.

(Y/N): And I said you look great. So, where are we heading?

Midnight: Cardinal's Grill?

(Y/N): Sure.

She smiled and you both got into the car and drove off. Cardinal's Grill was an old place that you had been to for years, either with family, friends, or girlfriends. And it was a place you and Midnight did frequent when you two were together in your youth's. Finally, you both got there, got seated, and started up the small talk.

Thankfully since you both had been working in different places, it gave you plenty of time to talk and have some level of conversation. Midnight talked about the different teachers and how classes were going around the school. Also some weird work related incidents. Apparently, one student smeared a bunch of...fesses...along the wall of the bathroom. It was pretty gross to say the least. Aside from that, things were relatively calm and peaceful around campus. She also brought up the fact that Nezu wanted to change the exams due to recent events.

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now