Blood Fist

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You had gathered up your cards, got your suit ready, hat cleaned off and all around, you were ready for a fight. You had lied to Midnight, saying that you had to run somewhere after school when work was done so she could be off your trail for a bit. You were able to make it to the bar itself relatively early as the bars got more populated as the night went on. As the night went on, you could see a few undercover cops from your rooftop perch but nothing of serious concern. You presumed the cops were there to find and arrest Blood Fist.

What was honestly the most surprising thing here was that All Might or other Pro Heroes weren't on or had finished the case. You shook off the idea and began to focus on the mission at hand. Protect Nemuri at all costs by capturing and arresting Blood Fist. You continued to look through your cards to make sure they were all in order and look along the alleyways surrounding the bar. After some time, the night started to settle in and you grew somewhat bored. However, someone caught your eye rather quickly.

Emerging from the rear right corner of the building was a large man. He would have had to be 6' 6" at the least. He was wearing a suit with a tie plus a mask. It was the last bit that truly tipped you off. You began to move along the rooftop so you could get a better view. However, you stopped once you saw someone step out from the side exit of the bar. The person was a female, black hair and maybe early thirties. You couldn't really tell if she was drunk or not but she clearly wasn't all there. You silently walked around as you saw the man walk over to the woman.

Once you got to the corner of the rooftop, you saw who the woman was and gasped. You saw that it was Midnight herself, dressed up and looked like she was on a date. You glared ahead as you saw the man stop her and Midnight began a conversation. Body language seemed to dictate both were acting flirtatious towards one another. You had no idea what the plan here was but she clearly had one. But you wanted your own. You drew three cards. One was Ace of Spades and was ready to use at any moment. Another was a club that you extended and formed a staff while another club became a sword.

You slowly made your way to the edge of the building and looked downward. You got your ace ready and wide it back and threw it down towards the man once it was aligned with his shoulder. However, the man must have known this was coming as he spun around and let the card hit his arm. Midnight kicked the man in the back but he spun around to block the kick.

(Y/N): Oh damn it!

You put the staff on your back and spun the sword around in your hands and kicked the hilt of the sword. The blade flew across the sky and almost hit the large man but he was able to duck and the sword nearly hit Midnight. She glared up at you with an annoyed look. You gave her an awkward smile and the man stood up and backhanded Midnight into a wall. Finally having enough, you leaped down and went to attack the man.

The man turned around and began to back step away from you as you swung the staff to and fro. You would spin around to get a stronger swing on your staff. The man blocked it and punched you in the stomach with brass knuckles. You threw your hat to the side of the wall and it bounced off of the wall and hit the attacker in the head. You then ran up and used your 2 of clubs to form brass knuckles and began to punch the man in the stomach and face.

The man grabbed your wrists and kicked you in the stomach, launching you back and making you wince in pain. Midnight then jumped up on the man's back and wrapped her whip along his neck to choke him out. Midnight tried to choke him out with her legs but he backed up into the wall and slammed her back onto it. Midnight slightly fell forward and the man flipped her over himself and slammed her onto the ground. He took out a knife and was about to stab her but you wrapped your arms around the man and threw him off of her.

You ran up to him and was about to attack, but the man countered your kick and threw you onto the wall and punched you in the stomach. Just before he could punch your face, you saw his brass knuckles as they read "Blood Fist" on them. You dodged the punch and kicked him twice in the stomach before getting behind him and getting him into a headlock.

(Y/N): Midnight! Your quirk! Now!

Midnight: Dandy, I-

(Y/N): Do it!!!

Midnight ran up and tore off her sleeve and released her gas to put the man to sleep. You took a deep breath and began to hold it in as Midnight slammed her hand on the man's mask. After a few more seconds you released your breath and began to pant. You leaped out of the gas cloud and took deep breaths, trying to regain your oxygen levels. You looked back to the pink gas cloud and smiled.

(Y/N): Leave it to the pros. (You cracked your neck and knuckles) You good in there, Nemuri?

You looked back to the cloud and raised an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Nem-

Midnight was thrown into the wall and formed a crater on it, knocking her out. You looked back and the cloud and saw the man, Blood Fist, stood out in the alleyway. Blood Fist points at his mask. It was a gas mask. He was prepared for this moment. He was expecting this moment. You grew enraged and got your hat and threw it at the ground and it bounced up like a ball and hit Blood Fist in his arm.

You ran up and kicked along his head and body, slowly making your way down the body with kicks and punches. He was being forced back by the hits but you were barely doing any damage. After another punch across his face, Blood Fist grabbed your wrist and threw you onto the wall on each side of the alleyway, getting your back and face all bloody. He then threw you down onto the ground and slowly crushed your hand with his own, breaking it.

You yelled in pain but he put his hand over your mouth. He placed a finger over his mouth, silently telling you to keep quiet. He then reels back and punches you in the face over and over again, slowly breaking your body down with every punch in your face. Meanwhile, Midnight was knocked out near the front of the alleyway, unable to do anything as Blood Fist beat you down.

Punch after punch hit you in the face, slowly making you lose conscientiously. As Blood Fist reeled back another punch, he was able to take out a diamond and opened a portal right in front of you and another over the alleyway. Blood Fist fell through the portal and fell down onto a trash container, rolled off and landed down onto the ground. You were panting as you finally got the man away from you. You looked back over to Midnight and slowly tried to get up but collapsed down onto the ground.

You looked back over to Midnight and got back up and slowly began to walk to her, limping as you did so. Once you reached Midnight, you fell onto the ground and looked over your friend.

(Y/N): Midnight? Midnight? Nemuri? Hey, Nemmi? Nemuri?!

You kept shaking her and then placed your fingers at her neck to feel for a pulse. You sighed in relief once you found it. You then heard a noise and saw that Blood Fist had gotten back up and turned back to you and cracked his knuckles.

(Y/N): Oh fuck.

You got up and grabbed your deck and threw three hearts onto the ground to summon three attack dogs. You whistled and they charged forward while you got more spades out and threw them as well. Blood Fist began to run towards you both and took the hits from the cards. One of your dogs tried to pounce him, he punched it and kept running. Same to the other two. Then one of your cards hit him in the face, cutting some of his masks. Another hit him in both shoulders and arms.

However, that proved to be fruitless as he reached you and punched you in the face sending you to the wall. You slowly began to lose consciousness once again. However, before you did, you heard someone scream "Hands!" and a few gunshots go off. The police had come just in time for you to close your eyes and go out for the night.

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now