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You and Midnight had gotten back together and it was a relationship that did shake up most of the pro hero society as a whole. Surely enough, some parents whose children were fans of yours weren't thrilled with you dating an R-rated hero. Other males sent you congrats on the relationship while some sent you death threats saying you "weren't good enough for her" and death threats here and there. But, that was what you both were expecting. But aside from that, everything was going pretty well.

You and Midnight also did a press conference involving the arrest of Blood Fist. After nearly 70 homicides and several different lawsuits filed against him from victim's families to companies and so on and so forth, Tartarus was looking like a much better sentence than anything else. That was beside the point. He was locked up, never to be seen again. That's what mattered most to you.

You were inside your apartment, looking over footage of the UA Sports Festival. You wanted to take on an intern, giving you an excuse to leave the school. As you were looking through, you hard the bedroom door open and you glanced upward slightly to see your new "roommate". Midnight was standing there, with nothing on but one of your old t-shirts she insisted that you keep just for this exact reason. However, you clearly weren't paying attention to her which got her a little pout as she walked over to you and sat down beside you.

She didn't do much other than slightly rub your shoulders, still trying to get the attention she thought she deserved. After not getting it, she then pushed past your arms and laid her head down on your lap, right near your crotch.

Midnight: I see someone is a fan of this.

(Y/N): (Sighs) Nemmi.

Midnight giggled and remain in the same spot and looked up at you. She playfully licked her lips and slowly tried to move up your body. You pushed her head back down and away off of your lap. She didn't even resist that much but she did pout.

(Y/N): I've got work to do.

Midnight: Maybe I can help? What is it?

(Y/N): I'm just trying to pick a first-year to intern with me.

Midnight: And you're trying to find a suitable candidate. One who has a similar skillset that you can improve upon with a good personality but not too strong too. Someone who will listen and grow from their experience with you.

(Y/N): Well, when you put it like that, one: That is correct. And two: It just sounds pompous.

Midnight: Well, good. Because that's how you sound sometimes.

You gave her a deadpanned look and she smiled and got up. You slightly glanced back at her and saw Midnight giving a sexual side to her walk. You quickly shocked yourself out of the daze and returned to your computer screen. You continued to look through candidates from Class 1-A and Class 1-B but nothing so far. However, you stopped once you saw a child. He looked emo for sure, bangs covering his eyes and short black hair all around.

He moved fast along the battlefield, clearly had a jovial yet serious tone to his abilities. You smirked as you looked over all the data on this "Ace" character.

(Y/N): Hey, honey! Tell me about this one?

Midnight: Depends. Do I get anything out of it?

(Y/N): You get me for the rest of the night.

Midnight: Done! Who is it?!

Midnight looked at the screen and saw Ace Kaleo. She was a bit surprised and looked back to you. You looked up at her and gave her a massive smile.

Midnight: You sure?

(Y/N): Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to have Bakugo? Or King Explosion Murder, as he likes to call himself?

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now