The Hospital

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Your eyes slowly began to open up as a bright light shined down upon you. You blinked rapidly in order for your eyes to be better adjusted to the light. As you finally came around, you could see the white aesthetic around the room you were in. You turned to your side and saw an IV bag beside you and a breathing mask over your mouth. You could also feel your lower self in a body cast, or at the very least, your chest was. You tried to move your left arm but you could barely feel anything with it. You glanced down and saw the cast over it.

You sighed again and slowly laid back down onto the bed. You honestly had very little of anything else to do other than just lie there. Then the memory hit you. Midnight?! She was there, knocked out cold! Sure the cops showed up but there was very little chance that they could have done something as effective.

You slowly tried to get up and find some way to contact her. You winced and groaned in immense pain, but it would be worth it to find Midnight. The curtain beside your bed was pulled back and a nurse stepped in. She gasped when she saw you try and move and ran over to you and softly pushed you back down onto the bed.

Nurse: I'm sorry sir. You need to stay in bed and rest.

(Y/N): I can rest when I'm dead. Where is Midnight?

Nurse: Midnight?

(Y/N): Nemuri Kayama.

Nurse: She was released four days ago.

(Y/N): Four days?

Nurse:'ve been out for over a week. Nine days to be specific. Ms. Kayama woke up seven of those days ago but we didn't want to discharge her due to her injuries.

(Y/N): What injuries?

Nurse: Nothing overly serious, but it was enough to cause major trauma to the head. The back of her head was slightly injured along with her back but, as stated before, it wasn't serious. She has a fractured right arm as well.

You had a saddened expression on your face. She was hurt because you couldn't act fast enough. You clenched both your hands into fists, despite the pain to your left arm it caused. The nurse also saw this because she softly pushed down on your arm and opened up your fists.

Nurse: Don't further injure yourself. You need to rest.

(Y/N): Ma'am. I'm a pro hero. I don't have time to be injured. I need to get to work just as much as you do.

Nurse: The administration has not discharged you. And given your injuries, you won't be moving.

(Y/N): I-

???: Now, now. Do I need to whip you back into shape?

You looked past the nurse and saw Midnight was standing there. She smirked once she saw you.

Midnight: May I?

Nurse: Yes Ma'am. But be brief. The doctor will be in soon for him.

Midnight nodded and the nurse walked out. Once the nurse left, Midnight looked at you, more or less glared at you. She walked over to you and looked down. You cocked an eyebrow as she continued to look you in the eye.

(Y/N): What? You want the usual "Post-graduation" bedtime routine? Good luck with it. Pretty sure I have a couple broken ribs.

Midnight: I'd slap you if you weren't this injured.

(Y/N): Yeah. Nice to see you too.

Midnight: What were you thinking?! First of all, I don't know why on earth you were there early unless you lied to me which is nothing new!

(Y/N): Hey! Listen now!

Midnight: I'm not done! Then you instantly went in for the big guys and nearly got me killed with that sword kick! And you weren't nearly at the top of your game! Your rank is going to drop and fast. Going back on your game, what was that?! You have always been great in close quarters! And don't you dare say because I was there! And-

(Y/N): OK!!! I get it! Geez! Lower your voice, we're in a hospital.

Midnight looked at you and sighed before sitting in a chair beside your bed. She pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed in anger. You looked over at her and saw her shoulder was in a bit of a cast. You sighed and slowly tried to move over a bit for to her. Midnight saw this and got up and pushed you down, keeping you in place. You looked up at her and had a sympathetic look to your face. The look showed nothing but sorry, love, care, and a range of negative emotions which showed how much you regretted the apparent week ago attack.

Midnight sighed and sat back down on the chair.

(Y/N): So...what happened?

Midnight: The story goes; after we both were knocked out cold, the police arrived.

(Y/N): Yeah. I remember that.

Midnight: I'M TELLING THE STORY!!! (You winced back a bit and Midnight got her focus back) With them was Hawks and Edgeshot, each was hunting down Blood Fist as well. However, despite two more pro heroes and plenty of cops, Blood Fist was able to get out of the alley and run to the swears. Plenty of people were able to see him. So, whether he liked it or not, Blood Fist's image is out to the public. Face too thanks to Hawks.

You both sat in silence again. Other pros were already on the Blood Fist hunt so there was no major concern. The public, the heroes, the police, and everyone else were against Blood Fist and hunting him down one day at a time. You looked back to Midnight and saw that she wasn't paying much attention.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Midnight: What are you-

(Y/N): I wasn't acting like a pro. I was acting like a dumb teenager than anything else. I should never have lied to you. I was just so concerned about your well being and the well being of others. And yes, I am aware that you can handle yourself. It's the ideals of an idiotic teenager. Not a pro hero.

Midnight kept looking at you while you just retained your stoic look up to the ceiling of the room. You eventually glanced over and Midnight and saw her looking at you. You wanted to say something else, but no words came to mind at all. Midnight also didn't say anything and placed a hand on your shoulder. You looked up at her and nodded once you saw her smile at you. You both knew what she was saying.

Midnight bent down and pecked you on the cheek.

Midnight: You're an idiot sometimes. But you're my idiot.

(Y/N): I'm down for making it official if you want? Little, a bit of a "life is short" type of game.

Midnight rolled her eyes and smiled back at you.

Midnight: Get some rest. You'll need your strength when Recovery Girl comes by to help you. She's already angry as some students have increased her anger. I'll see you soon, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Same to you Nemuri.

She smiled at you and walked off and closed the curtain to your bed. You sighed and looked out the window. She was safe, that was what mattered. Plus, you just accepted her advances...again. You looked back up at the ceiling and took a deep breath. You then looked back out the window when the thought came into your head. Blood Fist was still out there, cops and public on him or not.

You glared then, you knew he was out there, waiting and watching. The curtain then opened and you saw Recovery Girl walk into the room.

Recovery Girl: (Sighs) I don't get paid enough for this.

You smiled and chuckled to yourself. When this was done, it was right back to work. 

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now