An Old Flame

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With the villain known as Blood Fist officially sent off to Tartarus, it was safe to say that most of Japan would sleep easy tonight. After now confirmed 63 murders, including 6 children, 15 police officers, and two pro heroes along with dozens of mobsters, the monster was put down. However, the night was not a complete victory. Chikyu Akinari had escaped the nightclub. The woman he was wife was arrested for prostitution charges as well. He is currently wanted and police from several major cities are looking for him.

News reports came out about the battle. Many were thrilled to see the number 15 hero back up to personal standards. Additionally, people were now predicting that your rank would be at normal or go back up since you took down Blood Fist along with Midnight. Sure, some people weren't a fan of hers but whatever. Results were results. Enough said.

From that though, there was you and Midnight. After working together for several months, facing life and death situations, confessing you still love one another, you both decided to get back together. While you were slowly building up your relationship back to where it once was, you both knew it could end up there at some point. So, with that all said in done, you got yourselves back to your job as heroes and teachers.

You both had resumed your teaching, you getting the third-years ready for the real world, and how to get the final preparations in for their "brands" and other important notes here or there. After all the work of the week had been concluded, you made your way into the teacher's lounge and crashed down onto the couch while getting a soda and chugging half of it down like it was scotch. After a couple of minutes of pure relaxing silence, the door opened and Midnight walked into the room.

She offered you a smile that you returned and crashed down onto the couch beside you. She curled up closer to you and pecked you on the cheek. You rubbed your shirt, feeling the cast and bandages along your chest from the battle against Blood Fist. She looked back to your face and gave you a sympathetic look. You shrugged, knowing what she was saying with her eyes alone.

Midnight then laid her head down onto your shoulder and wrapped her arms around your own.

(Y/N): So, what are we going to do now? The week is over, summer is coming up, Blood Fist in prison and everything seems a bit better now.

Midnight: Date night?

(Y/N): Date night.

You both smiled and left work hand-in-hand. After driving about for a bit and silently and well hiddenly, you both changed out of your costumes and into casual clothing. From there, you both walked into a steakhouse called "Cardinal's Grill". It wasn't a super fancy place which you both were fine with, it was more or less a middle of the road type of place.

You both sat at a small booth and began to go in for an awkward smile talk. Said small talk quickly turned into you telling jokes and going into a story about you and All Might back when you first started out as a pro hero.

(Y/N): So, there I am, guys all around me. Next thing I knew, I see All Might just bolting in down the road. I take out a club and get a spear and stab it into the ground as All Might just claps, sending everyone away. He turns to me and asks "Are you ok?" and I press down on an ace and say "Just dandy". Next thing he knows, guys he just launched down the street are all up in the air and crashing back down.

Midnight laughed and leaned forward, covering her face as her laughter was plastered over it.

Midnight: Where was that story back when we were-

(Y/N): Hey. Gotta save the best stories for those rare yet enjoyable moments.

Midnight: So the stories that you used to share weren't the best?

(Y/N): Not always.

You both smiled and laughed a bit before looking back at one another. Midnight reached out and took your hand in with her own. Without saying much, you both have the new emotions and feelings you both wished to express. Not knowing where else to go with the conversation, work became the main point.

Midnight talked to you about some first-years since you never interacted much with them. They all seemed nice kids, some weirder than most but that's what you expected. She also made comments on one child's "girl crazy" personality. Of course that throwaway line she mentioned made you want to punch this kid in the face constantly.

Of course, that led into a debate of how Midnight would defeat you if you ever went off the deep end.

Midnight: Don't even want to think about that other than using my quirk to knock you out. And...what about me?

(Y/N): Rougish charms.

Midnight: Really? A real gentleman you are?

(Y/N): Hey, they've worked before.

Midnight: Have they now?

(Y/N): Why do you think you're at dinner with me?

Midnight looked at you and rolled her eyes in annoyance. You playfully shrugged and took a swig of your drink. After that small conversation, your food came and you both dug in. Since the place wasn't the fanciest of places, you both had the excuse to dig into your meals like you haven't eaten in a few days, but still kept things civil to the greatest extent that you could.

After dinner, you both began to drive around the city. Obviously you could have gone anywhere but you both just let the ambient sounds of nature and the city fuel you. At some point, Midnight grabbed your hand as you both reached the Dagobah Municipal Beach and walked out down the pier. You both were sitting on the bench and were watching the stars...just soothing you both and your nerves.

You had your arm around Midnight and she was leaning against your chest. You both were calm and were just busy watching the sea and stars.

(Y/N): So...this...I...

Midnight: You have nothing to say, do you?

(Y/N): Not really. I'm just happy.

Midnight: Good. That makes two of us.

You looked down at Midnight and she looked back up at you. You both leaned in and kissed one another. After a couple of minutes into the kiss, you both broke apart and stared lovingly into one another's eyes once again.

(Y/N): I love you, Nemuri.

Midnight: I love you too, (Y/N).

You both leaned in and kissed one another again, rekindling their relationship once again. However, the kiss broke due to an alarm going off in your pocket. You gave an awkward chuckle as you took it out.

(Y/N): Sorry. I know I shouldn't have this on me right now and-

Midnight: What does it say?

(Y/N): It says that Akinari has been spotted. He and some men just robbed about three different jewelry stores.

Midnight: Oh how the mighty have fallen. Shall we?

(Y/N): Oh we shall.

You smirked at Midnight as you both got up and got ready to take in the criminal.


In Tartarus, Blood Fist rolled down a long hallway with seven guards around him, all armed and ready to kill. The person rolling him guided the guards into another room and he pushed Blood Fist off of the cart and the guards locked the cell door. Blood Fist turned back and growled a bit and saw the guards all walk away. He huffed again before crossing his legs and sitting up and smirking to himself.

Blood Fist: I'm in.  

Midnight X Male Reader: An Old FlameWhere stories live. Discover now