to think different

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We are similar.

I am human
and so are you
and every other person too.

Yet, we also differ.

We hail from different places
and come from different races
and have different faces.

We have different minds
sometimes they do not align
and that is fine.

It is fine.

Even if we clash
in a heated debate
you yourself, I will not hate.

Yet some people forget
there are many ways to think
so they cut off others in a blink.

I pity them.

For what is the world without color?
And not to pigment, I refer
but to our hearts and minds, rather.

What is acceptance
if it is only outer appearance
that can have variance?

What is tolerance
if we can be silenced
for speaking our minds?

Lest we become like robots
programmed to have the same thoughts
think different, we dare not—or cannot.

But we are human, not machine.

And so I thank those
with whom I remain close
despite our differences.

And those who do not judge
nor hold a grudge
against those with opposing views.

For I am not you, and you are not me
we lived life differently
our thoughts will vary accordingly.

And that is okay.

It is okay,

to think different.

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