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Mount Justice: November 5: 19:47 EDT

After their encounter with Harm, Nick had did like he said, and taken the sword to the House, where John had added it to the possessions, which meant that the sword phased in and out to protect it from anyone who was not living  the House.

John was also impressed with their use of magic against Harm. Nick also told Astra about Greta, and she was even more thankful that Nick and John had saved her.

Ever since Nick and John had saved Astra, she and Nick had started to treat each other like family. She saw him as her big brother, which made Nick happy.

Nick was currently in the Hanger, using his magic to levitate crates out of the Bio-Ship. He placed the crates down next to Batman, Tornado and Zatara.

Connor was carrying a crate on his back as he walked out of the Bio-Ship, while M'gann used her telekinesis to carry two more crates as she followed Connor out of the Bio-Ship.

"Did you get everything?" Batman asked.

"Everything on your list, Batman." M'gann confirmed. "Plus groceries." She added, lowering a crate to the ground.

Wally ran over. "Cookie fixings?" He asked.

"Snickerdoodles." M'gann said with a smile.

"Babe, you rock my world." Wally said.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Phoenix, do you think that he will ever figure out that M'gann and Connor are in a relationship?" He asked over his mental link.

Phoenix mentally shook his head. "No." He said.

Nick gave a mental nod in agreement. The elevator opened, revealing Artemis and Zatanna. Nick walked over to them.

"Hey, Z." Nick said with a smile.

Zatanna smiled back. "Hey, Nicky." She said in return. The two then held hands as the trio walked into the Hanger.

"Glad you're back, Zatanna. Does this mean you're officially joining the team?" Artemis asked.

The trio looked at Zatara. "Tup hcae meti ni sti reporp ecalp!" He recited. The spell caused two crates to fly off to where Zatara directed them with his cane.

Tornado walked forward, and used a tornado to make a big crate fly upwards.

Nick scoffed. "Arty, there is a small chance of that happening." He told his sister.

Zatanna nodded. "Nicky is right. Zatara's so over-protective. Just getting him to let me visit takes a full day's wheedling." She said.

Nick smirked. "And if that doesn't work, you use illusions." He teased, which made Zatanna playfully hit his chest.

Zatanna continued. "I wish he'd just give me a little space." She added.

Suddenly, the three Leaguers vanished, which caused a crate to crash on the ground.

"Dad!/Tornado." Zatanna and Nick shouted in unison, while Artemis gasped. The others also gasped when they saw what happened.

"Nick, I sense powerful magic which has split the world into two dimensions. one for adults, and one for kids." Phoenix said.

Nick gave a mental nod, having also sensed the same. "I agree." He said.

"What just happened? Where did they go?" Zatanna asked frantically.

Nick hugged her. "We will find them." He said sincerly, kissing her forehead.

Kaldur nodded. "Wizard is right..." He began, but was cut off when Nick's phone rang. He pulled it out, and saw that it was the Chandlers calling him. He answered it.

Red Wizard (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now