Usual Suspects

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Washington D.C.: December 30: 09:00 EST

The Justice League and the Team were at the Hall of Justice. They were there for the induction of the League's newest members, which were Red Arrow, Doctor Fate, Atom, Plastic Man, and Icon. Icon's sidekick Raquel/Rocket was joining the Team, which was missing a certain immortal. The Team and and Red Arrow were in civilian clothes.

"Ok, where is he?" Batman asked Zatanna.

"I don't know." Zatanna said. "All I know is that John asked him to go to Hell." She added.

Raquel's eyes widened. "Hold on, what do you mean when you say that he was asked to go to Hell?" She asked, surprised

Suddenly, a blazing orange portal opened up, and a phoenix came flying out. The phoenix landed in front of the portal.

Batman glared at the phoenix. "You're late." He growled.

Raquel looked at the Team. "Ok. I know that I'm new to this Team. But, can anyone tell me why Batman is talking to a phoenix like it is a person?" She asked in surprise.

The Team shared an amused look. "Well, that's because the phoenix is a person." Artemis said slyly.

Raquel scoffed. "Yeah, right. You really expect me to believe that the phoenix I see before me is really a person?" She asked.

The new recruits for the League except, Red Arrow and Fate, shared looks of agreement.

"Batman, what is going on?" Icon asked the Dark Knight.

Suddenly, the phoenix began to glow orange as it's shape began to change to human, becoming the hero known as Red Wizard, A.K.A. Nick Russell. Raquel froze in shock. The Team saw this, and tried to snap her out of it.

Nick pulled down his hood and mouth mask. He looked at Batman. "Sorry, I'm late. I had to run a quick errand for John." He said. "I had to get the Crystal of Life from the Demon's Three." He added, before pulling out a blue crystal.

Suddenly a voice called out of the portal. "Red Wizard. The next time I see you, I am going to roast your nuts, and feed them to you." Abnegazar threatened. Everyone, except Nick, Batman, and Tornado, and Fate, shared fearful looks.

"Your soul is ours the next time we see you." Rath added with a wicked laugh, which sent shivers down the Team's spines, and most of the League's as well.

"We better not see you here again, or we will have your head on a pike." Ghast threatened as well. This didn't calm anyone down.

"Nick, we forgot something." Phoenix reminded Nick through their shared mind link.

Nick rolled his eyes. "Hold on. I knew I forgot something." He said, before turning to the portal. His eyes became orange as he channelled Phoenix. "Hoc claudere portal ad inferos." He recited in Latin. The spell caused the portal to snap shut. Nick's eyes then returned to normal.

Nick turned back to everyone, and put down the crystal on the ground. He then looked at the crystal. "Tropsnart eht Latsyrc fo Efil ot eht Esuoh fo Yretsym." He recited. The spell caused the crystal to teleport to the House of Mystery in a flash of orange light.

Nick then looked at everyone, and brushed his hands together. "There, job done." He said with a smile.

Canary walked forward. "Nick, what did you do to get them mad at you?" She asked for everyone. She was worried for her cousin's safety.

"Well, I sent them to Hell when I was 11. They have been trying to get revenge on me ever since." Nick explained.

"Well, for you own safety, you will not go back to Hell." Canary told her cousin sternly.

Red Wizard (A Zatanna Zatara/OC Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now