Troubles in Seattle (Hessa)

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After three songs on the floor dance, I go back to the couch and I look at my phone. I have a lot of messages from Hardin and he seems to be very angry through his messages.

Hardin's texts

"What the fuck i wrong with you?!"

"Where are you?!"

"Theresa Lynn Young! Answer your fucking phone."

Ooops, I'm in trouble.


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"Answer at that fucking phone, Tessa!" I take my phone and I go tot he bathroom so I can talk with mister Scott.

"Finally!" He almost yells at me. I know he is very angry.

"Woah, easy tiger. Calm down."

"You are telling me to calm down?!? Are you insane, Tessa?!"

"Where did you find this picture?"

"It doesn't matter. Get your ass back home, now."

"I'm not going to do what you say, Scott."

"Tessa! Don't play with my nerves."

"It's just a fucking picture, Scott."

"It doesn't matter that it's just a picture, Tess!" He is very angry and I don't know why. "He is with you in a fucking club."

"And what's with that, Hardin?! What if we are in a club together?"

"Are you serious, Tess?! I want you to go home, now! And I'm not going to repeat this!"

"Are you serious, Hardin?! It's not just me and him! Kim and Christian are also here. So, no! I'm not going home just because you're not here and you want to push me to do something."


"Don't call me Theresa, Hardin. I will end this conversation right now and I will go to have fun without you. You were the one who didn't want to move to Seattle. Have a good night."

I end the call without letting him to say anything and I know I just touched the highest level of his nerves. But I don't give a fuck about it. I go back to the bar and I order another cocktail for me.

A few hours later...

I feel a little wasted, so I decided to go home. I just arrive in my room, I take off my dress, but when I want to take off my bra, I'm interrupted by my phone. What the fuck he wants again?

"What do you want, Harold?"

"Where are you?"

"Not your business."

"Tess? Are you drunk?"

"And what if I am drunk? What if I'm in the same bed as Trevor? What if he just fucked me?!" I hear him trying to calm his breath. He is very jealous and I don't like it in any way. "I just hurt your feelings, Hardin? You didn't see this coming? Well, I'm sorry to announce you, but it's your fault. You didn't want to come here, so I found someone who can please me."

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