The Proposal (Hessa)

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Hardin's POV

I arrive at Vance publishing and I go directly to Kim's desk. Tessa is at home already and I told her that I have something to do in town and I'm not lying.

"Kim, exactly the person I look for."

"Hardin Scott, what a surprise. What are you doing here? Tessa left one hour ago."

"I know. I'm here for you."

"Oh... I should call Tessa to tell her." She laughs.

"You are not calling anyone."

"Ok, ok. So, what do you want?

"So... This weekend it's mine and Tessa's anniversary and I want to make him a gift."

"Ok, I'm listening."

"I want to propose her."

"What?" She looks at me with big eyes. What's wrong with this?

"What is so wrong with this? Why are you so surprised, Kim?"

"I don't know... You said some things in the past and now I'm surprised that you want the opposite."

"Well, people can change. So, what I want to ask... or show you... Do you think Tessa will like this?" I slip my hand in my jeans pocket and I take out this little box, I open it and I show it to Kim.

"Wow!" She takes the box from me and she's staring at the ring inside. "Jesus, Hardin! This is the most beautiful ring I've ever see. She will definitely love it!" I take back the box and I put it back in my pocket.

"Good." I breath in a relief. I know Tessa for years, but I wanted to be sure that she likes the ring. Kim and Tess have the same taste in fashion, so Kim helped me. "Don't tell anything to Tessa, understand?"

"I promise!"

"Well, where I can find Christian?"

"Oh... He is in his office. Why?"

"It's not your business, Kim."

"I deserve a little thank you."

"Maybe next time." I left Kim and I go to Christian's office. I don't knock at the door, it's not something specific to Hardin Scott.

"Hardin... What a pleasure to have you here... What's the reason of you visit?"

"I will be quick. This weekend it's mine and Tessa's anniversary and I want to propose her. I have the ring, but I have no idea where I can take her. I want to take her in a special place, not in a random and boring restaurant."

"Oh... My son wants to propose the love of his life. That's nice."

"Ok, enough. Just help me to find a place where I can take her."

"Well, I have this friend who has a restaurant with the Empire State Building view. I can talk for you. When?"

"This Saturday."

"Good. I will let you know as soon as I talk with him."

"Thank you..."

"You are more mature, Hardin... You are another man and I want you to know that I'm so proud of you..."


"Do you have the ring? I want to see it."

"Sure!" I take out the box and I show him the ring.

"I bet she will love it."

"I hope... I gotta go, I told her that I won't miss to much from home. Just text me when you know something."

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