How much? (Herophine) - part 1

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I'm dancing with my friends in the club and everyone is looking at us. Yes. We are three hot and single girls and we really need a one-night stand. I need to pee, so I go closer to Julia.

"Julia!" I yell next to her ear. "I'm going to the bathroom!"


I go to our table to take my purse and I go to the bathroom. I enter in the bathroom and I do my business. Then I wash my hands and I go out. I see a man who looks at me and he seems to be insistent.

"Can I help you with something?"

"Uh, what?"

"What can I help you, sir? You are looking at me like a psycho. I have pepper spray in my bag and I'm not afraid to use it."

"You are pretty."

"Fuck off. You are drunk." I try to go out, but he takes my hand. "If you are not going to let my hand, I will fuck up your eyes!"

"Try it, bitch!"

He catches my hands and I can't move. Shit! Why?! I try to escape, but he is stronger than me. I yell for help, but I'm sure no one can hear me. But when I lost every faith, someone comes in and takes the man from me. Thank God!

"If you will come one more time in this club, I'm going to cut you dick and I will force you to eat it! He yells at that man while he pushes him outside. I try to catch my breath because I almost had a panic attack. If this man wouldn't come, God knows what would happen. "Hey, are you ok?" He looks at me.

"Yeah... I think."

"He did something to you?"

"No, no. I'm fine, thanks for... saving me." I look into his eyes and I'm meet by the most beautiful green eyes. Oh, shit. This can be a one-night stand? No, no, no. Not after you almost been raped.

"Be careful next time..."

"I couldn't take my pepper spray... Thanks again." I go out and I run to my friends, Julia and Denise.

Julia: "Jo? Are you fine?"

Jo: "Nope, I'm not. I almost was raped."

Denise: "What?!"

Jo: "But I'm fine. Can we go home, please? I don't want to stay here anymore."

Julia: "Yes, sure!"

We pay our bill and we leave to Denise's car. She drives to my apartment and they insisted to stay with me tonight, even if I told them that I'm feeling good.

Denise: "Can you give me one of your pajamas?"

Josephine: "Yes."

I take off my heels and we go in my bedroom. I take out three pajamas for us and we change our dresses. It's just 1 am, tomorrow it's Saturday so we decide to watch a movie.

Julia: "Jo... What happened there?"

Jo: "I was lucky because a man came in the bathroom and he saved me."

Denise: "He was cute?"

Jo: "Denise!" I giggle.

Denise: "Maybe he could be a distraction from work."

Jo: "I don't think so..."

Julia: "Let's not talk about this."

Denise: "Who knows? Maybe the destiny will bring you and him together again."

Jo: "Yeah, no chance."

Julia: "Let's watch the movie. Let's forget about this. It was just a bad day, but everything is fine and that's it."

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