The break-up (Hessa)

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Hardin just arrive home and he went straight to the bathroom, to shower. I sit on the couch with a glass of wine in my hand and I watch for the hundredth time an episode of "Friend". How much I can love this show? And the thing that I'm not bored of this is amazing. That means this TV show is amazing and it will be in my top for the rest of my life.

His phone blink and a photo with us pops up on the screen. I take it and I open to see who is it. I look at the messages and I want to break something. Exactly when I finish to read everything, he comes out.


"What are these, Hardin?"

"What are you talking about, baby?"

"These!" I open the phone and I start to read. ""Hello babe! Last night was amazing." You were with her yesterday?! "Your tongue is something heavenly. Sex with you is always great and I can't wait to see you again." You are cheating on me? After everything?!"

"What are you doing with my phone?"

"This is not the important thing, Hardin. You are cheating on me?! With her?! Jesus! I thought you are smarter than this!"

"Tess... I..."

"Don't!" I yell at him and I give his phone. "Enough. I'm done with your shit. I don't want to hear your lies. I thought you changed, but you are the same pervert and man-whore from the beginning. I'm leaving."

"No, no, no. Tessa... Please! Don't leave me."

"You did this to yourself, Hardin." I go in our room and I put some clothes in a bag.

"Tess, please... Don't leave me."

I quickly finish my bag and I go to put on my shoes. I take my jacket and when I want to open the door, he takes my arm.

"Tessa, please... Stay here and let me explain. Let me tell you what happened."

"Don't touch me!"


"Bye, Hardin."

I leave the apartment and I go to my car. Now, where to? I can't believe he did it to me. After how many times he said he loves me, he did this. He broke my heart in million pieces and no one can repair it. And he did it with her! With that whore! I can't believe him... Everything was fine between us and now... Boom! He decided that I'm not good for him anymore and he slept with her. I hate him so much... Everything was a lie and this time, I won't forgive him. I won't do this stupid thing. I did this too many times.

I open my phone, ignoring all Hardin's messages and I call Landon.

Phone call


"Hey Tess... What's up?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"Can I stay for a few days at your place?"

"Yes. But what happened? What did he do this this?"

"You always know when he does something stupid, right?"


"Can we talk about this when I arrive?"


"Good. Thanks Landon..."

"What are friends for?"

I end the call with Landon, I mute my phone, I start the engine and I drive to Landon's house. After 35 minutes, I park the car next to Landon's, I take my bag and I go to the door. I knock and a few moments later, Karen opens the door.

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