Changes (Herophine) - part 2

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I am waking up by my alarm. But I can't get up because something heavy keeps me on the bed. I open my eyes and I see Hero's hand around my waist. Oh, shit. We had sex last night... Fuck. As I try to reach my phone, I feel him moving.

"Turn it off." He groans and I turn off my alarm.

"I have to go." I take his hand from me and I get up. Shit. I'm sore. Well, I expected to be like this. I wasn't sexually active in the last nine months.

"Come back!"

"I have to go home, sorry." I cover my chest and I search for my panties.

"It's early. Come back to bed."

"I'm sorry, Hero!" I finally find my panties and I take them from the floor. "Uhm, do you think I can use your shower?"

"Yeah, that's fine."

I take my dress from the floor and I walk to the bathroom. I get inside and I turn on the water. While I wait the water to get warm, I look at my body and I have a hickey on my left breast. Ugh, Hero!

I get in the shower and I quickly was my body with his shower gel. Now I will smell exactly like Hero. That's cool, right? No.

When I'm done, I quickly dry myself with the towel and I put on my panties and my dress and I go back to the bedroom. He is still in bed. I take my shoes, my phone and I'm ready to leave.

"Hero, I'm leaving. See you later."

"Take my sunglasses from the coffee table." He stands up and he looks so hot in the morning. "I bet you don't want anyone to recognize you."

"Yeah, thanks." I take his sunglasses from the coffee table. "See you!"

I leave Hero's room and I go to the elevators. I hope no one saw me coming here last night, or at least they didn't recognize me. As I arrived downstairs, before to exit the building I look through the glass windows and it's no one there. Who could be here at 7 am?


It's already 1 pm and I am wait for the car to come after me. After 5 minutes, the driver is here and he helps me to put my suitcases in the trunk, then he gives me a ride to the airport where I meet Hero.

"It's just you?"

"Yeah... Ana can't come to our first meetings. Asher has a cold and she couldn't let him just with his father."

"Oh... I understand."

"So, it's just me and you. We will meet Castille, Chance and Kiana in London. And as soon as Asher will feel better, she will come to us."

"Good. You have our tickets?"

"Yep. Let's go to check in."

We walk to the check in area and we do the check in, then we take our suitcases in the special place for them. One hour later, we are in our seats in the plane.

"Thanks for this." I give him the sunglasses.

"No problem." He smiles and he takes the sunglasses from me. "Uhm... How are you feeling after last night?"

"What do you mean?" Why I play dumb now?

"After we had... You know. I don't think after nine months it's as easy as you do this often."

"Well... I am little bit sore." I whisper and I feel my cheeks burning.


"No need to be sorry. I think it's normal to feel like this after nine months without sex."

"Ok... Did you take the pill? We didn't use any protection."

"Yeah." Thank God I know how to lie. I don't want to share my problems with him. We are friends, but there is no reason for him to know that I'm infertile.

After 11 hours, we finally arrived in London. It's 9 am in London and I'm so tired! Even if I slept on the play, it wasn't a good sleep. A car took us from the airport and we finally arrive at our hotel.

"Wanna have lunch together around 2 am?"

"If I will be up until then, yes."

"Just text me when you wake up. We can eat at the hotel."


"Have a good sleep, Jo!"

"You too."


It's been two weeks since we are in Europe and it was fun to see our fans. But in two days we are going back to US and in another three weeks, the promo tour in US will start.

After two hours of interviews for our Italian fans, we go back to the hotel to get ready for our next destination: Sofia. I enter in my room and before to close the door, I feel him pushing me inside, locking the door.

"What are you doing here?" I smile at him.

"I missed your lips." He sticks me to the door and he crushes his lips on mine.

"My lips?" I smile as he goes down with his kisses.

"Yeah. I kinda enjoyed our last nights with kisses and other stuff." In our last days, we had dinner in ours rooms and from some jokes we ended kissing and doing stuff. Not sex, but we made the other feel better. And we did it often in the last days. "And this time I brought a condom. Check my back pocket." I reach his back pockets and I take out a condom foil and I smirk. He thought about everything.

In less than 5 minutes, our clothes are on the floor, the only piece of material between us are our bottom underwear. My hard nipples are rubbing on his bare chest and I can feel his erection. We walk to the bed. As we are next to my bed, I push him on it and he drags me over him. We move to the middle of the bed, but we don't break our kisses. I straddle him as we kiss and he moves his hands from my back to my hips, until he reaches the edges of my panties. He takes them off and I do the same with his boxers.

"Foreplay?" he asks between kisses.

"Nah." I take the condom from the bed and I open it. "May I?"

"Sure." He whispers and I open the pack, I gently take the condom out and I roll it on his erection, making him groan. When I'm done, he takes my hips, lifting me up and letting me down onto his length. I moan and he kisses me again.

"Jesus Christ, Josephine! I love to feel you around me."

"I love this." I whimper and I move faster and he kisses my neck. I stick my hand in his hair and I pull out. Fuck. Sex with Hero is great!

"Are you close?" he asks me after a few minutes.

"Yes..." I moan as I bite my lip.

"Come for me, baby..." He says and he starts to rub my clit, making me to come around him. He pushes a few times and he reaches the climax, spilling in the condom.

After we catch our breaths, we collapse naked on my bed.

"I will miss messing up wit you..." He covers us with the bed sheet, then he leans on his elbow, looking at me.

"Honestly, me too."

"Can we do this when I'm back for US tour?"

"Yeah, I think..." I smile.

"You think? I think you enjoy the sex." He moves his hand to my chest.

"I do." I smile as he squeezes my breast in his hand.

"And then what stops you to say yes to this?"

"I don't know."

"You know you want me in this way. We can do this every time we met. But no strings attached."



"Yeah... No strings attached!" 

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