Beautiful Bastard (Hessa) - part 2

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Hardin's POV

Three fucking days and I can't take off my mind from her. Tessa Young is a fabulous woman and I can't think about anything else. One fuck was enough to have her in my mind. She's mysterious and sexy and her body is perfect. How perfect we fit together... The sounds she made when she has an orgasm. Jesus! Just thinking about it, I want to cum. But she is working for me. I don't think it's possible to have a sexual relationship.

The weekend was so hard because I was always thinking at how wet she was when I took off her panties and every time I was thinking at her, I had to use my hand to do something with my erection. But it wasn't as good as it was when I felt her on my dick. Jesus! She has to be mine, at least once.

I arrive at work later than I wanted and she was waiting for me at her desk.

"Good morning, Mr. Scott. We should continue the presentation from Friday?"

"No. I know what are capable of, and I trust you. But I want you in my office after my father leaves."

"Yes, sir." Jesus. Just her calling me sir is making me hard. Shut up, Scott. Take her out of your mind. I enter in my office where I find my father. What a pleasure to have him here.

"What's up dad?"

"Hardin, what a pleasure. You are late."

"I had a shitty morning, dad. The city was full and I don't want to do anything today."

"You will have a meeting with some partners from London at 10 am."

"And why I have to do this? Why you can't do this?"

"Because you will be the boss after me, Hardin. You have to get used to it."

"Ok, fine."

"And tomorrow we will have lunch with Richardsons."

"Ok, fine."

"You have everything for the meeting on your mail. Have a good day, son!"

My father leaves and I call Tessa in my office.

"Yes, Mr. Scott?"

"I want a black coffee. No sugar or milk. And add in today's calendar a meeting at 10am. I will send you everything on mail."


Tessa leaves and I look at her back and her ass. She has a pretty bottom. After 5 minutes she's back with my coffee and she goes back to her desk. While I drink my coffee, I sent her the details about today's meeting. At 10am, I decided to call her here, I need her to take notes at this meeting. The meetings starts and while I talk with my partners, I look at her. She is biting the pen and she looks at her notepad. I start to imagine her beautiful lips around me. Shit. Hardin, you are so stupid. Why were you thinking about a blow job in a middle of a meeting? I just got a boner. Great.

"Mr. Scott?" I hear my partner calling me.

"Uhm, yes?"

"So, do you like this idea?"

"Yeah, yes. It's great."

"Good. Then I will send you everything on mails and we will start this partnership."

"Send it to my assistant. Have a good day!" I end the call and I look at her. She has the pen in her mouth and she's not paying attention at me. "Miss Young, stop doing this."


"Stop biting that pen. If you want to use your beautiful lips, you can use them on me."

"Asshole." She throws the pen to me and she leaves. Great!


"What did you do, Hardin?"

"Father, twice in a day?"

"What did you do with that poor girl?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Tessa... She's mad."

"I did nothing."

"Yeah. What you said to her?"

"Nothing, dad. She just gets mad suddenly."

"Your mother invited her to dinner on Friday, she wants to presents Trevor to Tessa. You are the one who will convince her to come."

"That prick?"

"Trevor is no a prick. Trevor is a good guy."

"Yeah. Yeah."

"I'm not joking. Make her to come to dinner."


I have four days to convince Tessa to come for dinner. It will be fun.

On Monday, as soon as she finished her work, she left without saying anything. Tuesday, she avoided me all day. She ran away every time I wanted to talk with her. On Wednesday, she called me at first hour and she told me that she's sick. But I knew she lied, wanting to avoid me. Thursday was the same, she didn't come with the same reason as the other day. But on Friday morning, I found her at her desk. It was my chance to talk with her and to convince her to come at dinner.

"Miss Young, in my office. Now!" I say while I enter in my office and I'm glad she follows me. "Well, finally I can talk with you, miss Young. Have a seat, please."

"I prefer to stay like this. What do you want?"

"My mother wants you to come to dinner tonight. And she is not accepting a refuse."

"I don't think I can come."

"Tessa... My mother loves you and I think she loves you more than me. She really wants you there."

"Ok... I'm coming. But I'm doing this just for Trish. Now, excuse me. I have work to do."

"Don't leave."

"You can't stop me, Hardin. I'm not gonna give up again. What happened last Friday was a mistake and we can't repeat it. As soon as I finish college, I will leave and I will let you to live happily here."

"But I thought you will work here as our marketing manager."

"After what happened between us, I decided to go in another place."

"My father won't let you ago. And me neither. You are a good worker."

"You called me assistant. Why I should stay here when you think I'm just an assistant?"

"Look, I'm sorry. Sometimes I'm a big asshole, but I don't want you to leave just because of me. Just think better about what you want to do."

"I will think about it. Now, excuse me."

She walks to the door and she leaves. Ah, this girl. We're playing this game for a week already and I can't get her out of my mind. Is this more than a one night stand?

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