The Babysitter (Hessa)

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Hardin's POV

"Mr. Scott, someone came for the babysitter position."

"Good. Let her in, Diane."

"Anyone is waiting?"

"No. It's just here."

"Take her here, please. I hope she has all my characteristics. I have no idea what I would do if I don't like her. She's my last chance."

"Maybe you should try to free your schedule."

"Diane, I need this babysitter just for one month. I'm going to Europe and I can't take Auden with me. He is too little. Please, take this girl here."

"Yes, sir." She leaves and a few moments later, a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes, enters in my office.

"Hello Mr. Scott. My name is Tessa Young and I came here to babysitter position."

"Please, miss Young, have a seat. Do you want a coffee?"

"No, thanks. And you can call me Tessa." She sits in front of me. I like her blue eyes and her beautiful smile.

"Can we start?"


"You have any experience with kids?"

"Yes. I used to work as a babysitter when I was younger and I also worked in college as a babysitter. I took my diploma in Literature, this year, but I couldn't find a proper job for this moment, so I decided to work as a babysitter."

"And do you have experience with kids under 3 years?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good. You are hired."


"You are hired. But I want to tell you that I need you just one month."

""That's fine for me, sir."

"And as I will leave on Monday, I want to see you working with my son. Can you come tomorrow at 8 am?"

"Of course!"

"My assistant will send you my address and I want you there tomorrow morning, ok?"


"Good. Then, see you tomorrow, Mr. Scott."

"Until tomorrow, Miss Young."

"Thank you for this opportunity." She stands up. "Have a good day."

She leaves and I look at her back. She looks good. But, hey. No! Don't look at her. She's your employee for a month. Nothing more. I finish my work a few hours later and I go home, to my lovely boy. I enter in my house and I hear him giggle. This is my favorite sound for almost two years already.

"Hello, son."

"Hi mom!" My mother loves his grandson, but she works and I can't let him with her, that's why I wanted to hire a babysitter.

"How was your day at work?"

"Good. Where's Auden?"

"He is playing in his room."

"Oh, good. I hired a babysitter. She's coming tomorrow and I will watch her all day long."

"I'm sorry because I can't take care of him while you are gone in Europe... My time off is over and I have to go back to work."

"It's fine, mom. You did too much for me and Auden." I go to kiss her forehead. "After Natalie's death, you were like a mother for my little monkey."

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