Mistletoe Magic (Hessa)

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Three hundred and sixty-five days since I was home last time, in Evergreen Falls. I have lots of memories here. This town is really special to me, and on Christmas period it's magical. The luck made it to be here in November, when the preparations for the Christmas fair and Christmas masquerade ball.

After finishing my last year of college and not finding a job in the domain I liked, I had to come back home. I had to come back to my origins and taking a job I don't like fully, but I have to live somehow.

First day at work starts good. I wake up in my childhood room and I smile at the sight of the posters with boy bands. I get up from bed and I go to the bathroom to do my morning routine. As I'm ready, I get dressed and I walk downstairs to greet my family.

"Good morning, mum."

"Good morning, darling. Had a good sleep?"

"Yeah." I smile and I take a cup where I pour some coffee.

"Are you ready for your first day of work at the bookstore?"

"Yeah. Where's dad?"

"He went to do some groceries."

"Oh, alright."

After I finish eating breakfast, I leave for work. Today I'm starting my first day at the local bookstore from Evergreen Falls. It's a small city, but the people really love to read. I arrive at 7:45am in time to meet for my boss, Mrs. Garcia.

"Good morning, Mrs. Garcia!"

"Good morning, Tessa. And c'mon! Tell me Mary, I'm not that old." We laugh as we walk in the bookstore. "Ready to start your first day?"

"Ready." I smile.

"Perfect! So... as the Christmas season is coming, I'm going to need you to make a small island with Christmas books. I'll show you how and I'm sure you'll do great."

She says and we walk to the back of the store from where we collect some boxes. We go back to the bookstore and we sit next to an empty island. Mary shows me how to arrange the books and she leaves me alone.

When the bookstore opens, I still arrange books.

"Excuse me, miss, could you help me?" I hear a man's voice and I turn to see him. A handsome man with green eyes and a tall figure.

"Hi. Yes! How can I help you?"

"I need to buy something for my niece. She's seven and I have no idea what a seven year old is interested in."

"Hm, sure. Come after me." I say and I walk to the kid's section. "So... the most popular books for kids of this age are 'How The Grinch Stole Christmas' by Dr. Seuss, 'The Little Prince' by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry or the classic Disney books like 'Little Mermaid', 'Sleeping Beauty' or 'Snow White'.

"Oh, wow. That's a lot from where I can pick. What would you recommend..." He looks on my badge. "Tessa?"

"Well, I don't know... It depends on what she likes."

"I don't know." He sighs. "It's the first time when I met her."

"Oh... Then I suggest you to buy 'The Little Prince'. It's the best choice when you don't know the kid really well."

"Thanks. I'll buy it. And also I'll take 'Little Mermaid'. From the stories my sister said, I know she likes mermaids."

"Good!" I smile and I take the two books from the shelves, then we go to the cash register. I scan the books and I tell him the price. "That will be 4.54 dollars."

"Can you pack them nicely, please?"

"I'll charge you another dollar for that."

"That's alright for me."

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