Co-Parenting (Herophine)

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A few months ago...

"Fucking hell! Can you tell me why I slept with you one time and this happened?!" I yell at Hero as he keeps my hand.

"Well, my swimmers are strong." He laughs and I hit his chest.

"Just shut up! Ugh..." I groan in pain.

"Do you want me to call the doctor?"

"No, I'm just having contractions and I'm not dilated enough." I shut my eyes and I squeeze his hand tighter. "You won't be able to fuck me ever again!"

"I understand that, Josephine. But now you have to concentrate on giving birth to our baby boy."

How I ended up in this situation? Well, it happened nine months ago. I found Hero on a dating app. We give us a chance and we went on a date. We ended up having sex, but after that I didn't feel the sparkle between us. A few weeks later, I found out that I'm pregnant. I met him for a coffee to give him the news, informing him that I will keep the baby. I'm glad he didn't force me to abort, but he offered to help me. As there were no feelings between us, we decided to do co-parenting. I won a really good friend in him and I'm glad that our baby has a dad like him.

The doctor comes in and she comes to check me.

"Well, Josephine, you are almost ten centimeters dilated, so we are going to the delivery room." The doctor informs us.

"Finally!" He says and I hit his arm.

"I will kill you, Hero."

"You can do whatever you want after you will give birth, sweetheart." He kisses my forehead.

"A nurse will come here and she will move you to the delivery room. I'll see you there, guys!" She leaves and I look at Hero.

"We're going to have a baby."

"Yes, we will have a baby soon. After five fucking hours!" I say and the nurse comes in.

The nurse moves me to the delivery room where my doctor is, but Hero is not here.

"Where is Hero?"

"He has to change with a gown and a cap and he will be here, don't worry."

A few moments later, Hero comes in and he is funny with the cap on his hand and the gown. I want to laugh but I'm hit by a hurtful contraction and I have the urge to push.

"I want to push. He can't stay there anymore!"

"Don't push Josephine. I have to see if you are fully dilated, ok?"

"I can't do this." I let my head on my back and I feel hot tears on my cheeks.

"Josephine, please... you have to be strong for our baby boy, ok?" He kisses my forehead.

"Well, it's ok. Josephine, when you feel the next contraction, I want you to push, ok?" I nod and a few second later, the contraction hits me and I push.

I don't know how much time pass, but it feels like hours. I can't do this anymore. I'm exhausted and I just want to sleep.

"I can't do this anymore. I'm so tired!" I cry and Hero looks at me.

"Josephine, you can do this. You are so strong and I believe you can do this." He whispers in my ear.

"Good news, just one push and the baby is out." I hear the doctor and I find the strength to pus one more time. After that, the room fills with a strong cry. Our baby is here. Hero leaves my side and he is back a few second later, leaning closer to me.

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