Years and Years (Hessa) - part 5

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It's after midnight and I have my first craving since I found out about this baby. I usually don't eat sweets, but now I would eat any sweet I have in this house. As I open a drawer, I hear a knock at the door. What the fuck?! Who is visiting me at this hour?! I walk to the door and I look to see who is there and I'm shocked to see Hardin. What the fuck is this? Why is he here? I unlock the door and I open it. We stare at each other for a few moments, until I decide to break the ice.

"What are you doing here?"

"You wanted to talk, so I came to talk."

"But it's not something urgent." I smile because I like when he cares about me.

"Well, I needed a short holiday."

"As a well-known, I believe that you need a vacation."

"Yeah. May I come in?"

"Sure! I'm sorry!" I move from the door and I close it after he comes inside. He let his bag on the floor.

"So? What do you want to tell me?"

"Wow, you go right to the point." I walk to him.

"Because I want to know what's wrong."

"And I will tell you."

"You are alone?"

"Yes. I broke up with him."

"Oh, I'm sorry. He found out what happened?"

"Yes. And he was also cheating and we decided to end this."

"So, you are single?"

"Not as single as I wish..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, after that night something happened with me. I started to be sick and a few weeks later I had a car crash because I was sick while I was driving."

"Car crash? Are you ok, Tess?" He looks worried at me. "Why you didn't call me?"

"I'm fine, don't worry... Well, when I had that car crash, I found out something and I don't know if you will like it or not, as you have a girlfriend."

"I don't have a girlfriend, Tess. If you want to know, Karla is just my assistant."


"Yes. So, I'm single."

"Oh..." You are so stupid Tessa.

"Ok, now you can continue. What did you find?"

"Well... Sit down, please."

"Why?" He sits down and I sit next to him.

"Because what I'm going to tell you, it's not something easy."

"Are you sick?"

"I'm just pregnant, Hardin. With your baby."


"Yes... Remember the night we spent together after that meeting? Well... In that night this happened. We didn't use a condom and I tot all forgot to the morning-after-pill."

"Oh, shit."

"It's all you can say? Are you fucking serious?!" Why is he so calm? Why isn't freaking out?!

"I should be mad?"

"I don't know. You should be scared! Terrified. Anything, but not calm!"

"Look, I don't have a reason to be scared. I always wanted to have a family with you. So, no, I won't be scared, I won't be terrified. I will be happy because you are growing inside you, our baby." He moves closer to me. He is happy?

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