Step-By-Step (Herophine) - part 3

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I lay down on the lounge and I wait Hero to bring our drinks. I scroll on Instagram and I look at my friend's photos. When I see my boyfrie... Husband coming to me, I smile. We're married for almost three weeks now and I'm not used to call him husband.

"Thank you, babe."

"You're welcome, Mrs. Tiffin." He lays down on the other lounge.

"You know what I was thinking?"


"Now, that we are together for more than three years and we are married, I think we should grow our family."

"Grow our family? Do you want a baby, Josephine?"

"A baby?" I giggle. "No, not now. We should buy a dog."

"A dog? You know I don't like this idea... Diesel was my soul and I don't think I need a new dog."

"Hero, it's been years since he is gone. You have to move on."

"I can't. I don't want to forget him, ok?"

"But you don't have to forget him."

"Let's end the conversation here. I don't want to have a fight in our honeymoon."

"Ok, ok."

"But about growing our family... What if we can start trying for a baby?"

"Well, you want this?"

"Yes. I think it's time for a baby."

"I was thinking about this and when I was at my gynecologist appointment, I asked my doctor about what means to get pregnant. Medical, I mean."

"Ok, and?"

"We have to run some tests before. If we just make a baby with these tests, we can risk to have an unhealthy pregnancy and baby."

"Then we can do this when we ate back in New York right?"

"You think it's time for a baby?"

"Well, yeah... We are free in the next months and we can have a baby. We are old enough to do this step."

"Can we talk about this when our honeymoon is over? We are in Greece to relax."

"Yeah, sure."

A few weeks later...

I just got home after I was on set to talk about the last details about my one-episode role in a tv show. It's a little bit awkward because I have to play a pregnant woman and in the last weeks, me and Hero were talking about us having a baby. We are open to this idea and I'm not against it, but we should wait a little.

As I enter in our apartment, I find Hero sitting on the couch, with a beer in his hand and he is watching a football match.

"Hi, babe!" I take off my shoes and I walk to him.

"Hi!" I lean on to kiss him. "How was your day?"

"Good until we got the bad news about the character who was supposed to play my husband in that tv show. He suffered a car crash while he was coming on set and he has some injuries, but he can't play. We delayed the filming until we find someone else."

"I can come to replace him."


"Yeah, it will be good for everyone. And it's been a long time since we played together."

"You want this?"

"Yes. It's will be nice to be together on set."

"Then I'm going to call my manager to announce her about it."

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