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"The machine war what else is there to say then." 

We open to a land destroyed by years of war building falling apart trees destroyed or burning and remains of human faunus and machines with bullets and explosions being seen in the back ground.

"It was a war where mans creations were tired of being treated like dirt and rebelled against them."

We then see a close up of a human skull with loud footsteps heard in the background.

"and honestly i cant blame them."

Then suddenly that skull gets crushed by metal foot.

"But if you want to know how mankind and  faunus kind went from the top dogs of remnant to 2 species fighting for the survival and future then we have to go back 35 years when the war began"

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"But if you want to know how mankind and faunus kind went from the top dogs of remnant to 2 species fighting for the survival and future then we have to go back 35 years when the war began".

we cut to see team rwby standing in front of a massive army of humans faunus and robots in the land of darkness. 

"It is over everyone after years of pain and suffering man and faunus kind have done it against all odds we won we are finally free" Ruby said triumphantly.

everyone cheered at the fact the nightmare they lived through for so long was over and that they could live in peace however there was 1 group that weren't so happy. 

the machines.

To them they couldn't understand why there humans and Faunus took all there praise where was there thank you they suffered to so what because there metal they didn't matter if it weren't for them Ruby be 6 feet under where was there thank you.

Ruby then continued "i on behalf of my teammates would like to thank you all human and faunus because had it not been for you i doubt we would have been able to win this fight."

This was an insult to the machines who fought and died for this victory and what did they get nothing not a single thank you not in Ruby's speech not Weiss's speech not Blakes's speech or Yang's they were side-lined again and again and there hatred for man and faunus only continued to grow every second.

And the relationship between man and machine only continued to worsen as time went on.

We cut to a ceremony in the newly rebuilt beacon Academy where team rwby jnr Oscar Qrow and Maria all stood like many others were being awarded medals for there bravery against Salem and yet again not a single robot was given a thank you.

Ruby was given her medal and went to speak to the crowed. 

" 3 years ago i was allowed to come to this school 2 years early and from then on i lead a team named team rwby through many dangerous and even after the fall of beacon we eventually got back together and we made are way to Atlas travelled through another dimension and in the end thanks to my team and all of you in this room we even beat an immortal witch.

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