Back At Patch

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Meanwhile near Patch Team RWBY and CO were sitting in the Bullhead but now Worrying about Oscar and the others. 

"Crap..what if Somthing happened to them." Ruby said "What if they got transported to here with us."

"That's impossible Rubes..We didn't see him with us remember." Yang said 

"Yeah but...that itself is a problem what if he's stuck with Ironwood or worse, Salem got to him." Ruby said in a deep panic 

"He will be fine.." Blake said "Look worse comes to worse He has Ozpin their to protect him."

"Yeah he may be a lying git." Jaune grumbled "He would never let anything happen to Oscar."

This Caused Qrow to laugh as he said "He didn't do anything when i hit him."

"Yeah well that was because he just got all his secrets leaked out and was in the middle of a crisis...i don't think he's in position to actually talk about helping Oscar you know." Ren said 

"Yeah still..he could have at least tried." Qrow said 

"And you could have maybe not punched the shit out of a kid." Nora said "Your fucking lucky he didn't press charges on your bitch ass....he had the fucking Bruise to prove it." 

Qrow just rolled his eyes in response before saying "Yeah yeah yeah." 

"But any way." Ruby said "I do wonder what's going on back know in our world." 

"If what we saw before hand was any indication not good." Yang said 

However before any of them could continue they heard a yell from the front of the Bullhead as the Pilot said "What the hell are you guys on about back their." 

This caused them to panic as Ruby yelled  "Uhhh..nothing nothing at all." with a small chuckle 

"Oh kay then." The Pilot said "Say you guys may wanna get ready..gonna be landing on the landing pads real soon." 

"Say what dose Ruby want from us?" Ruby asked talking about her counter part

This caused the Pilot to chuckle as he said "Not sure..She was just talking about the nexts plans and crap..then sent me off to come fecth ya from Ankurin..nice job taking the city by the way" He said adding the concipient at the end."

"Uhhh..thanks." Yang said 

"Yeah...been a while since we secured a win on the attack you know...shit let me tell you those do not happen very often." The Pilot said with a bit of a laugh 

"Right." Blake said 

"Any do..I'll leave you lot to talk about..what ever the fuck you was talking about" He said as he turned off the intercom leaving the group alone.

As they did Nora spoke "Next plan, gah why is this version of Ruby so.....dead serious all the time." 

"Well she has been fighting a war for...who knows hoe long 25 years or Somthing." Blake said "Like..also a very loosing war."

"Yeah but still like she seems to treat people...even her friends as disposable soldiers in this Ozpin did" Nora did 

"Yeah but...again im sure she has her reasons." Ruby said trying to defend herself...or well her other this universe (Universal travel was weird)

"Really....taking people from a another them form their universe and sending to hear...then sending them onto a battle against a foe we know hardly the basic about." Ren said 

" be fair..until Beacon we only knew the basic about Grimm." Ruby said with a smile 

"Yeah but here's the thing Ruby...Grimm don't shoot back at you" Weiss said "Or fly at you with like a hundred sharp tentacles, or launch a massive bomb at you while firing death beams from its optics." Weiss added 

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