Taking of Ankurin

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The group stared at the mass of Machines guarding the jamming tower Sentinels flying over head scouting out for any airborne forces trying to take out the tower while harvester Terminators and other ground unit patrolled the Streets.

The group stared before shrinking back down into hiding. 

"Okay...so i know this looks bad." Ruby said 

"Bad...Bad!!" Weiss whispers loudly "Were 7 people.....7 out their is a whole army of machines...all ready and willing to tear us to shreds...."

"And to add onto that...we have no Aura." Ren said peaking out of the window "Their is no way we are getting to that tower without being torn to bits."

"Well we have try...." Ruby said 

"But how the fuck do we even get their without getting shot to bits." Yang said "I doubt we can even sneak through their without some one spotting us." 

"Yeah but their going to have a much more harder time now that we don't have Aura aren't they" Ruby said "Its like the commander said the reason the machines had such and easy time finding us was because we had Aura they could track the signal...somehow and were using that to follow us." Ruby said 

"Now we don't have Aura...we can hide in the shadows and slowly move by." Ruby said 

Suddenly Nora grabbed Ruby by the arm and dragged her to the window "Ruby...look outside for me if you will...."

Ruby did so and saw tons of different machine units stalking about the area. 

Terminators marched by in formations of 5 or more scanning the surrounding area for any sign of organics. 

Others manned machine gun turrets or motors while other performed engineering duty's or maintenance.

Supporting them were the much more armed sentry bot models which rolled around in designated locations scanning the area as well their machine guns and rocket launchers armed and ready to engage.

HK 203 also stalked the area standing more closely to the Tower as a form of last line of defence standing backs to it as a sort of shield against any possible attack from the front. 

Towering above them was the harvesters their sensors aiming low as they searched on the ground for any sort of organic force daring to attempt to take down the sensors, any possible assault on it dealt with by their tentacles. 

And finally hovering high above it all were the sentinels moving in circles around the tower to protect it from any sort of air attack with the sentinels them selves perfectly willing to sacrifice their life for the defence of the base. 

"You see that Ruby" Nora said "That is what we...7 people with no aura...Armed with assault Rifle and a old ass Tolvent Segunt is meant to take that point...theirs no way we can do that even with the minigun..we've been sent on a death mission."

"Yeah Rubes...." Yang said "I'm not sure howe we could ever hope to take i..."

"Well we have to try" Ruby said "Not for us....not for our way home..but for everyone in this world...i don't know how many times we got to drill this is in....this battle could decide the fate of everything...if we lose....their goes our last ticket home their goes this whole planet." Ruby said

The others listened in silents as Ruby continued. 

"But beyond that..this may be these people last chance to retake any type of initiative against the Robots...if this fails who knows what may happen...another invasion of Patch...and it may fall this time and then its all over for all of us..we cant let that happen." 

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