The Wizard, the Witch and The AI

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Everyone looked to the Sentinel as he gave a hallowing Cry. 

Then with out warning it began to attack moving for Tyrian first slamming its Tentacle as it tried to stab him only for the Scorpion to dive out of the way. 

Watts countered taking out his revolver firing shots into the Sentinel only for the bullets to harmlessly bounce of its Armor. 

"Well now." Watts said "It defiantly ain't a Knight."

Meanwhile Oscar and others watched on at the Sentinel battled the villains. 

"Wh...What is that thing?" Oscar asked before turning to Ironwood "One of your new killing machines."

"No." Ironwood responded "I've never made anything or ordered anything like that."

"Well maybe its an Atlas Prototype." Winter said "Its attacking them right..not us."

"Yeah..yeah." Ironwood said watching as Cinder fired a fireball at it only for the robot to retaliate by swiping her like one would a fly.

"Yeah keep doing what your doing!" Oscar yelled 

This however caused the Sentinel to turn to face them as Oscar said 

"Errr...whys it looking at us?" Oscar asked 

Suddenly the Sentinel turned and began speeding towards them causing them to Jump out out of the way as it slammed into the Ground. 

Oscar wasn't able to even get up before he was grabbed by the leg and slammed into the ground rapidly. 

"WHAT IS IT DOING!!!" Oscar 

"STAND DOWN...STAND DOWN!!!" Ironwood yelled at it 

But the Sentinel didn't listen instead it then tried to stab Ironwood causing him to dodge out of the way before firing a few explosive shots at it. 

Winter at this point also ran forward charging with a war cry with her swords as she began to stab at the Sentinels run up one of its tentacle.

She then Jumped into the air trying to stab at the rampaging Machines eyes only for one of its tentacles to grab her and Throw her into the Ground. 

Meanwhile the villains watched as the Sentinel now began attacking the hero's. 

"Wow Watts...thanks for saving our asses with that hacking back their." Emerald said 

"That...wasn't me." Dr Watts said causing the others to look at him 

"What." Hazel said 

"I didn't hack it...its doing that on its own." Watts 

This caused the villains to look concerned if the Sentinel was attacking its creators on its own. 

Then what the hell had caused such a response. 

"That..can't be good right." Mercury said 

"Well i for one don't care why its doing it." Cinder said "If its attacking them its not attacking lets leave before it decides to once again go after us." She said before raising into the air 

But as she did the Sentinel had caught the 3 of them its grasp when it turned and saw one of the humans the same one who had shot a fire ball at it....flying. 

Something was not right. 

With a screech it turned and flung Oscar right towards the Flying Cinder slamming into her as the two were sent tumbling to the floor. 

As they crashed into the ground they stared at each other a few moments before Oscar said "Uhh....hi." 

"GET OFF ME!!" Cinder said kicking him away 

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