A Losing Fight

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The Group charged forward out of the Room Gunning down the oncoming horde of Terminators that slowly marched towards them firing towards them.

Ironwood slammed his mechanical fist into one of the Terminators breaking it before he took out his pistol and began to shoot at two others that marched towards them.

He Shot two Rounds into the Machines head taking one of them down but the other one still standing albeit barely. 

The Terminator staggered round firing blindly in confusion trying to shoot the Organic forces only for Ironwood to put another bullet in its Skull finally putting him down. 

"Tangos." Ironwood said before suddenly Punching a Terminator in the face "Down." 

"Nice shot soldier." Velvet said said as she fired a assault rifle into the Horde of Terminators taking them out Quickly 

"How many of theses tuckers are their!!" Sun said as he ducked under oncoming plasma fire 

"DOSENT MATTER KEEP FIGHTING!!" Winter said as she charged forward 

She Ducked under the Terminators shots before taking our her Sword and began to slash at the Terminators stabbing then and slicing them into in brutal fashion. 

She then took out her Assault Rifle and gunned down the Terminators as she continued to advance. 

But as she fired a shot She began to get swarmed by a Terminators that started blasting at her and forcing her to move out of the way Unless she got shot in the face. 

"CRAP CRAP!!" Winter yelled as she moved back "THIERS TO MA..!!" She said when suddenly 

Before she could finish her sentence she was suddenly hit right in the Face By Terminators who wacked her with its Assault Rifle. 

Winter hit the ground with a thud banging her head as she culched her head in pain. 

"Fuck" She muttered under her breath only to notice as Shadow coming over her. 

She looked up only to see a Terminator aiming its rifle down at her. 

"Oh shit!!" She muttered 

She looked around for a way out as as it began to fire at her. 

But then a cry was heard yelling "WATCH OUT MONKEY MANS COMIN TO SAVE THE DAY!!" 

Before the Terminator could respond Sun leaped down onto it the Terminator causing it to try and shake him off. 

"WOAH HOLD ON NOW BRO!!" Sun said trying dodge the Terminators grabbing Attempts said 

Winter looked up seeing Sun fighting the Terminator and distracting it as it tried to pry the Monkey Faunus of its back. 

Sun looked down to Winter while kicking the Terminators arms off him. 


Winter looked at him before she responded "Right!!" 

Winter then Got up and picked up her sword while The Terminator still fought with Sun. 

Sin kicked and punched before the Terminator trying to get him off its back stepped back and slammed into a wall causing Sun to gasp in pain as lost his Grip on the Robot. 

The Terminator then turned around and began to punch Sun repeatedly. 

"OW OW OW!!" Sun yelled as the Terminator punched him reputedly in the face 

Sun then looked back at the Machine his jaw bleeding as he gave a smile saying "I...didn't feel a thing mate..you sure your actually punching." 

This Made the Terminator glare at him before raising his fist to punch again. 

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