Taking The Hill

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Ruby watched as the laser round got closer life flashing before her eyes as it was seconds away from Hitting. 

Then she suddenly felt a force hit her as Qrow slammed into Ruby's side knocking her out of the way the laser flying by though she could feel its hit hitting her. 

The Two hit the floor hard Ruby going wide eyed shaking due to her brush with death hitting her like a semi truck. 

"Ruby...RUBY!!" She heared a voice call out to her but she couldnt tell who it was

Shakely sat up cheaking the chaos of battle around her as she could faintly hear screaming around her. 

Soldiers charged up the hill desptretly trying to reach the trench line as laser and bullet fire flew by them dropping many with explostion sending people flying. 

Mechs and Tanks rushed into support them firing rounds of Machines guns, cannons rounds, and autocannon rounds towards the Machines trenches as Helicopters flew by devling rounds of Rockets and autocannons both on the ground and the Oncoming Sentinals. 

"KEEP PUSHING FORWARD MEN!!" She heared a officer shout 

"RUBY!!" She heared a faint voice call out to her 

Else where she a saw group of Soldiers charge forward before a artillery shell exploded on them sending blood organs and body parts flying into the sky.

Turning to a direction of a scream she saw a Soldier missing a arm stagger his army before picking it up. 

"Ahhh..thats where you are." He mumbled he said before collapsing to the ground 

"RUBY!!" Another voice called out 

Ruby looked at the chaos before notcing her breathing began to quickin, Heavy breaths as she hyperventilated panicing at the chaos around. 

"Oh my god." She gasped "Were gonna die..were gonna die...were gonna die..i dont want to die someone please save us oh god oh god oh go.." She said 


Ruby was suddenly slaped causing her to get knocked out of her trance before looking up to see who slaped her. 

Their she saw Jaune looking down at her before he shook her shouting. 


Ruby took a moment to take in what was going on before simply nodding and grabbing her rifle. 

"Right." Jaune said "Lets go people..we got some guns to silence."

The Group then contiuned to run up the hill Ruby speeding ahed as laser round and explostions came down around them.

Ruby contiuned to lead the team before seeing some shells fly towards them 

"GET DOWN!!" She shouted to her group 

The Others looked up to see the shells coming towards them before quickly diving down as they landed exploding behind them the noice almost rupturing thier eardrumbs.

"Holy Shit." Yang said reeling from the Ringing in her ears 

"Come on." Ruby shouted siginling them to follow her 

The Group then tried to stagger up only to come under fire from two Sentry bots in the trenches firing machine guns and rockets at them. 

"Never mind get back down!!" Ruby said diving for cover 

The Group ducked narrowly avoiding machine gun fire and rockets. 

"Ruby use that sniper to take out those sentry bots!!" Jaune shouted 

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