Traning For A Dead Land

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The Group walked out of the Lab with a annoyed and confused expression as Nora asked "Well now what the fuck do we do." 

"I guess we look for where the map is and find the training room." Ruby answered 

"Okay but where the fuck would the map be." Yang responded 

Then suddenly Rose walked out of the Room and towards somewhere else When Jaune called her name. 

"Aye Ro....General, where could we find the map for the base??" He asked 

Rose turned and looked at the group for moment feeling their stares (Or for a few, glares) on her before pointing to a map behind her "There." She said 

The Group turned and saw another map for the base While Rose simply continued her walk.

"Okay let see." Ruby said 

"Really you can see behind this fucking thing." Yang said moving her mask around "My hair keeps getting fucking caught in it." She complained 

"Well at least your not wearing a dress in this thing." Weiss complained "I've never felt so uncomfortable." 

"Well maybe you should listen to me next time when i tell you to just put some pants on, or at least some shorts with stockings."

"Guys shut up." Nora said "Let Ruby read."

After the the rest calmed down Ruby looked to Nora and nodded "Thanks Nora." 

"No problem Ruby." She said with a thumbs up

Ruby then looked back at the map and studied it "Okay so we are in Sector 1 here." She said pointing to the far left of the building and the shooting Range is in sector 4 over here." She said pointing to the middle of the building

"That's so many fucking turns." Qrow said "This budling is like a fucking maze." 

"How long will that take us to get there??" Jaune asked 

"Well judging by the length of the halls ways and the amount of turns this building has i would say......50 minutes.." Ruby said 

"50 MINUTES!!" Everyone screamed 

"If were lucky." Ruby admitted


"My back might just give out before we get their." Maria said 

"Well like it or Not we need to understand what we are facing in this new world since we are going to be stuck least 6 months, again if we are lucky." Ruby said as she began to walk off "So lets go Team." She said happily 

The Rest gave each other a saddend luck remembering the fact that they are indeed stuck in a new realm but knocked them selves out of it seeing Ruby run off ,as they began to Run after her. 

"RUBY WAIT UP!!" Yang Yelled 


*40 minutes later* 

The Group ran for what felt like an hour, and as they did they saw different rooms across the halls all seemingly dedicated to the war effort. 

Doors that went into a small factory producing weapons for the war effort a weapon stockpile room for emergency usage another that went into a small indoor guarded to produce food for the URF war machine. 

But another and more darker one was a Classroom where they saw Soldier teaching kids about how to best Combat Machine forces and how to use weapons. 

"Training children." Blake scowled "How could Rose let this happen."

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