Preparing For The Attack

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The group marched on through the dead lands of this world where black char and dirt replaced grass though through the storm clouds blocking out the Sun they could hardly even see the ground apart from the occasional lighting strike.

"How the hell do you see anything in this darkness?" Weiss asked after almost tripping over a rock 

The Soldiers chuckled before responding "You just learn to live in the Dark after a While."

"Or you just wait for the lighting Strikes, gives you a couple second of sight." Another said "Though Battle also works, rockets exploding and lasers flying over head and everything."

The Group gave each other a concerned look behind their mask, just how far had this world gone from the one they knew. 

After a While of walking the sound of twigs being crunched under being the only other sound they could hear Ruby spoke up.

"How long has this place been like this?" 

The Soldiers stopped before giving a confused expressionto them which scared the group who though their cover might be blown. 

"What you never seen the outside of patch before?" One said

After a small sigh of relief Jaune quickly responded " we haven't really spent almost our whole lives guarding their."

The Soldiers toom a moment before chuckling as they began to walk again. 

"Lucky bastards." One said causing the Group to nervously laugh along as they walked after them

Then as they did the lead Soldier began to speak "Wasn't always like this...used to be green grass, blue sky and lush forests all around with the Sun lighting the day.....then the Machine war happened and changed all that."

"How?" Yang asked "The Great war was bloody but not to the extent it destroyed the planet this much."

"With 0_2s armies marching across the planet the URF deployed every weapon we could against them New and old, you imagine such massive warmachines fighting alongside millions of soldiers fighting across Remnant for 35 years with every weapon we had across the years, first 5 years was more bloody then the entire great war combined and now add this.....we should be lucky you can still live on this planet." The Soldier explained

Ruby and others listened with growing horror as they began to quickly understand just how much of a nightmare this world had become. 

Qrow was the next to speak "And so is that why everyone wears Gas Masks."

"Yep." Another Soldier responded "Air Right now is Toxic as breath would probably do you in...if your lucky."

They didnt need another word to understand what he meant, and so they kept walking in silence. 

Then after a While walking and not trying to trip up the saw a bright light in the distance. 

"And here is the base." One Soldier said 

"Finally." Nora Whispered to Ren 

They continued to walk to the base as the bright grew larger and closer. 

Then they were suddenly stopped by a border guard who said "State you business here."

The Lead soldier spoke first "Were here to bring the arrivals from patch to the base."

The Guard looked at the small group behind the Soldiers before saying "You may pass." as he moved by letting them walk 

"Thank you." The Soldier said before the looking at others

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