Chapter 33.

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Sal gave me my Polaroid camera with the picture he took and I kept staring at it. I can't believe I just met Kevin Massey. I then made the guys send me all the photos they took and it was quite a lot, I decided to post one and tag Kevin. Being in New York was the best thing ever and I wouldn't have done this without the guys.

We went towards the food and merchandise area and I bought some chocolate and coca cola and 2 t shirts. The shirts were like $30 each but I didn't mind. I think I'm gonna become broke after today. I got a notification on my phone and I saw that Kevin liked, retweeted and even followed me. I almost died that very moment and the guys ran to me worryingly.

"Oh my god are you ok?" asked Murr

"Oh I see, look." Sal had grabbed my phone and showed the guys what got me so happy.

"Awe I'm so happy for you Zoe!" said Q giving me a hug.

"I love you guys so much, like so much." I laughed getting back into reality, Joe leaned in and gave me a small hug.

"Let's get the food and sit down hopefully the show will start soon if we believe." said Murr

We sat down and waited until 7 that's when the show started, it was a hilarious Broadway show and I'd defiantly go to it again. After we left it was 9 and we had no where to go so we took a little walk around the city, I held hands with Q and cuddled him as we walked for warmth. It's dangerously cold in New York.

"Can it please be midnight already, I'm freezing my balls off." said Sal

"What balls?" Laughed Joe

"Can't we relax at like a Starbucks or something where it's warm until midnight. Don't they stay open 24/7?" asked Murr shivering

"I'm not in the mood for coffee." said Q

"Who cares about coffee, I want to sit down." said Sal

"Let's go but if we get kicked out because of Murray, I'm leaving and taking Zoey with me." said Q

We walked into Starbucks and sat down in those big arm chairs, they were like sitting on a warm cloud. I eventually had to sit on Q's lap because there was only 4 chairs and the other seats were taken. I got myself a pumpkin spice latte before sitting down. I looked over at Sal and saw he was looking through his old messages with someone but I didn't get to see who.

"Is that Hailey's and your conversation?" I asked looking over at him.

"Oh..Uhm yea." He quickly shut off his phone and put it in his pocket

"But that wasn't hai...." Joe started to speak

"Shhh." Sal covered Joe's mouth with his hand, I didn't know why he did that so I just sat down and minded my own business.

"How are you doing love?" asked Q rubbing my back with one hand and the other around my waist

"I'm good but cold." He pushed me back and wrapped his arms around me

"Better now?" He smiled and looked up at me

"Much better." I kissed his nose.

"No PDA!" yelled Murr

"Just because you can't get a girlfriend doesn't mean you have to take it out on us." said Q

"Let's talk about something else, can we?" asked Sal

"Sure buddy, sorry I forget man." said Q

"It's fine, anyway can we not go watch the ball drop? I can't stand those couples kissing."

"What!? No! This is the first time we are doing this and we aren't going without you!" said Murr

"But there's no point, it's not like I'm going to kiss Joe or anyone else."

"It's a wonderful sight to see. Sal please stay, for me." I said

"I don't know, I'm tired."

"Then let's wake you up with some coffee. I'm buying!" said Joe getting out his wallet.

"Do they have any liquor in here? That would wake me up."

"No but when we get back to the hotel we will have some wine and champagne and have a blast." said Q

"You're definitely not having any alcohol in a hotel and neither am I after what happened." I said poking his chest

"What happened?" asked Murr

"I'm not saying it, you tell them." I said

"We kinda made a sex tape and that's how we knew we wanted to be with each other." Q blurted out

"A SEX TAPE!?" they all said

"Shh not so loud! What do you want it to become famous like Kim Kardashian's!?" I whispered.

"Only if they pay to watch." said Joe

"More information! I need to know everything that happened because this is like the best thing I've heard all night!" said Murr

We spent the rest of the time at Starbucks telling the guys what happened that night at the hotel and it was a wild story.

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