Chapter 2

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It is three in the morning and Tommy's phone wouldn't stop ringing. He wakes up and grabs his phone. He picks it up immediately after seeing Jimmy's name on it. Tommy didn't realize it was a video call and he could see how horrible he looked through the phone. "Am I disturbing you?" Jimmy asks as he sees Tommy groggy and half awake.

"I'm fine. Is this about your entrance exam today?" Tommy asks while rubbing his eyes. "I thought you said that you did well for it?"

"I did and I just got the results! I am now going to the same college as you!" Jimmy yells out his excitement. "I'll get to see you next week for my first day of college."

Tommy is suddenly awake to hear the news from Jimmy. "Congratulations! Have you found an apartment yet?"

Jimmy scratches his head, nervous. "I was thinking if I could stay with you. I'll pay for the rent of course." Jimmy answers.

Tommy's eyes widen in happiness. "Thank god you haven't found a place to stay at. I would have murdered you if you said yes without asking me first." Tommy pushes himself up from the bed. "When will you be here? Oh yeah I have a roommate too but you met him already."

"Phuwin right?" Jimmy answers, earning a nod from Tommy. "I'll be there in a couple of days. But I'll text you the confirmed date. Oh and my mom says that she'll pack extra snacks for you so you got to help me with my luggage when I get there."

Tommy let out a small laugh. "Thanks. How's your mom with the news? Is she happy?"

Jimmy shakes his head. "She wasn't. She wanted me to go to a nearby college but i got into the same one as you. So she wasn't as angry as I thought she would be because there's you to look after me. After all, you're already part of my family."

Tommy couldn't stop himself from having the heartwarming feeling with Jimmy's words. "Yeah. Tell your mom that she don't need to worry. I'll be your second mom here."

"No no no. I prefer you stay as my boyfriend instead." Jimmy answers. He looks at the clock. "Anyway it's late. Sorry to wake you up from your sleep."

"It's fine. Anything for you." Tommy replies. "Good night, Jimmy."

"Good night." Jimmy replies before putting down the phone. Tommy slides the phone under his bed and goes back to sleep with a smile on his face, knowing that he and Jimmy are going to move in together.

The days went by rather quickly and Tommy is busy cleaning up his room to prepare for Jimmy's arrival. Tommy wanted to make sure that there is enough space for Jimmy to put his stuff. Phuwin hears all the ruckus from his room and got out from his room to see all the trash that is gathered at the living room.

Phuwin looks into Tommy's room. "What are you doing?" Phuwin asks

"I'm just clearing some of my stuff. Didn't I tell you that Jimmy is going to stay with us? He manage to get into our college." Tommy informs.

"What? You told me no such thing. When is he coming?" Phuwin asks. Just as Tommy is about to reply, the doorbell rings. Tommy looks at Phuwin with a nervous smile. "Now? He's staying with us from today onwards?"

"Sorry. I think I might've forgot to inform you about it." Tommy apologizes as he got up to his feet. Phuwin watches him as he runs over to the main door and opens it. It was indeed Jimmy. Tommy hugs the taller boy. "Welcome."

Despite the age difference, Phuwin forgot how tall Jimmy could be. "Hello, Phuwin." Jimmy greets.

"Hello, nice seeing you again." Phuwin replies for formality. "If there's anything just knock the door. Make sure that when you guys are doing the deed, keep it down. I don't want to hear any of it." Phuwin states as he walks away.

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