Chapter 4

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Tommy and Jimmy continue to clean up the room after the supper with the other two. Jimmy curiously asks Tommy while he hangs his clothes in the wardrobe. "Do you think Phuwin is going to be fine if he's staying with Pond for the next three months?"

"Nope. I give Phuwin a couple of days. He'll come back before school starts. I'm not sure why Phuwin even agree to that kind of wager knowing full well that he's going to lose." Tommy answers.

"Wait, you're saying that he's going to fall for Pond?" Jimmy asks, looking at Tommy as he folds Jimmy's pajamas.

Tommy nods, lifting the pants up and folding it to half before folding them by thirds. "Yeah. I know Phuwin. It won't take long for him to fall for someone else. He's been alone for too long and he played right into Pond's hands. In the next couple of days when he come home, he's going to tell us that he finds Pond attractive or somewhere along that line." Tommy answers.

Jimmy let out a small chuckle. "You have a lot of faith in your friend." Jimmy says sarcastically.

"You can't blame me. I've been living with him for more or less about two years. Also he is in the same faculty and the same class. That's why we've been close friends ever since then." Tommy answers.

"I bet you ten dollars that he will last at least a month." Jimmy bets.

"A couple of days." Tommy turns to look at Jimmy. "No going down on that bet now that you've said it."

"Don't worry, I have confidence in my decision." Jimmy replies.

Pond parks his car in the garage and got out. Phuwin follows him with a big bag on his back. "Wait, you live here with your family?" Phuwin asks when he realizes that he stays on a landed property. It is fairly big from the outside.

"No. I stay here alone. I'd usually get people to come over for drinks but since you're here, I don't need that anymore." Pond gestures him to follow him. "Come on."

Phuwin follows him, going through another door that leads to the kitchen. Phuwin's heart is filled with satisfaction to the brim when he sees the kitchen. It is fully equip and he can't wait until he gets to cook in there.

Pond brings him towards the living room, passing by the dining table, Large television and a giant sofa. "Upstairs is our room. So nobody would usually go up the stairs other than me." Pond informs. "Then outside is the pool."

"You have a pool? What kind of place are you living at? How do you clean up the house?" Phuwin asks.

"I have maids who clean up the house every couple of days. So I don't have to do anything." Pond answers.

"You are spoilt." Phuwin says as he climbs the stairs. "How is upstairs your room? There's a lot of space for that just to be your room." Phuwin stops once he reach the top, unsure if he should call this a room or something else. It is definitely bigger than his previous apartment.

Pond points to the side. "That's the toilet and a walk in closet beside it."

Phuwin looks at the setup and his bed is definitely big enough to fit four people. He has fully equip gaming computer as well and Phuwin is left speechless. Pond grabs Phuwin's bag and heads towards the walk in closet. "I'll call one of the maids to come over as soon as possible to fix your clothes." Pond says as he takes out his phone.

Phuwin grabs Pond's phone. "No. I'll do it myself. I don't need anyone to baby me, not like you. Just tell me where the hangers are at." Phuwin says as he walks towards the walk in closet and got stunned by the amount of space. It is nearly as big as his bedroom.

Phuwin spots the hangers and opens his bag, slowly arranging them and putting on the rack where he claims to be his spot. Pond watches him from the door, unsure if he should be impressed or envious that he can do his own chores without anyone helping him. "Do you need help?" Pond asks.

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