Chapter 7

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Pond strokes Phuwin's cheek. "What do you mean by that?" Pond asks. He could see Phuwin's eyes getting bigger when he strokes it gently with his thumb. Phuwin don't know how to react but he feels the innocence from Pond.

"I don't think it is fair for me to do this. If this is the second day that I'll be with you, what about the others? I'll eventually fall for you one of this days and I don't want to lose this bet." Phuwin replies. Part of Phuwin could tell that he already cares for Pond but he didn't want to admit it.

Pond didn't know why but he wants to claim Phuwin's lips. "Then shall we put this aside from our wager?"

There was a short silence where Phuwin considers his decision. He could tell that Pond's lust is growing behind his eyes as well as his own. Phuwin grabs onto Pond's nape and pulls him down into a kiss.

Pond is surprised by Phuwin's pull that his eyes widen up. Phuwin grabs a fistful of Pond hair and starts to suck onto Pond's lower lip. Pond's hand starts to roam onto Phuwin's body with the thin layer of fabric between them.

The two boys sucks each other lip off and Pond slips his tongue into Phuwin's mouth. He plays with Phuwin tongue, swirling and tasting him. Phuwin's hand reaches down and lowers his pants, setting his boner free. He did the same to Pond who didn't argue or stop him.

Pond is engross with Phuwin's lips, it is as soft as his cheeks. Pond's hand slides underneath Phuwin's shirt, feeling up his body. Phuwin's hand starts to grab onto Pond's shaft, causing him to hitch a breath. He aligns himself with Pond and grabs both their shaft together.

Pond pulls away from the kiss, looking down at their shaft between Phuwin's hands. "What are you doing?" Pond asks.

Phuwin looks up at Pond. "Just shut up and kiss me."

Pond flashes a sly smile and did as what he is told. Pond could feel Phuwin's soft hands, stroking onto their shaft. It is something new for Pond but it definitely feel better than the other times when someone does it for him.

Phuwin rubs circles around both their head, sending waves of ecstasy coursing through the body. Pond couldn't help himself, it was more overwhelming that he thought it would be. He starts to hitch his breath and moans into Phuwin's mouth.

Pond didn't know Phuwin could do those things to his member and it is mind blowing. He couldn't control himself and his lips start to divert off Phuwin's. Pond starts arching his back as Phuwin starts to stroke harder as his other hand rubs circles aggressively.

Pond's lips ended up on Phuwin's neck and Phuwin could feel his heavy breath against his skin. Phuwin could feel his libido building up with Pond. Despite his previous relationship, he hasn't done anything like this before.

Phuwin's hands subconsciously starts to go faster than he thought he could and he could feel himself reaching closer to the edge. Pond bites onto Phuwin's neck, trying to hold in the feeling ecstasy within himself.

Phuwin didn't expect Pond's teeth to bite into his skin, however instead of pain he feels more alive than he ever did. Pond grabs onto Phuwin's shoulder as he hitches his breath and twitches his body. The two boys release their orgasm at the same time, spraying all over Phuwin's shirt.

Pond's heavy breath dries on Phuwin's hot skin with each breath Pond takes. Phuwin let go of both of their shaft and puts his own back in. Pond reaches down and puts it back in as well. He falls beside Phuwin with his hand over his eyes. "What the hell was that?" Pond asks, exhausted and satisfied.

Phuwin keeps silent as he tries to process what he just did. Phuwin's lust has completely taken over him that he has lost all sense of emotions other than pleasure. However, he still didn't regret doing it with Pond. It was better than he expected it to be. "I-I don't know." Phuwin answers.

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