Chapter 8

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Phuwin looks at his phone as he sees the text messages from Pond. He has been ignoring him since the day he left his house. Pond has been sending him text every single day and he didn't have the guts to let Tommy know about it.

He keeps his phone inside of his pocket and enters his class. Tommy raises his hand, calling for him. "You woke up pretty late. I saved you a seat." Tommy says as Phuwin walks over him.

"Y-Yeah. I'm kind of tired." Phuwin replies.

"I should be the tired one. I still have some orientation with the new batch." Tommy complains. "Anyway how's Pond? He's been texting me about you but I told him to text you himself. Did something happen between the two of you? The both of you are my closest friends and I don't want anything to happen between the two of you."

"I don't wanna talk about it." Phuwin answers in a small tone.

"Look, do you like him or not? A simple yes or no." Tommy asks.

"I don't know. Yes? No? I'm not so sure myself." Phuwin replies.

"I've seen you care for him so I've that that as a yes, also with that love bite on your neck the other day. If you like him, then why don't you just go for him? I'm sure he feels the same way for you." Tommy answers.

"I wish it was that easy, Tommy. Look. I've spend so much time building that wall and suddenly Pond is just there, breaking it down as if it was nothing. I even touched his... friend." Phuwin replies. "It's very out of character and I don't know what to do? It was my first time."

Tommy rubs his chin. "I see. So with your previous relationship, you wouldn't even do anything but with Pond you're head over heels? It's a really obvious answer right there." Tommy answers sarcastically.

Phuwin let out a sigh. "Do you think that there's something wrong with me? I broke off a year of relationship and suddenly after half a year I'm jumping into another person's bed without knowing him personally?"

Tommy shakes his head. "I think everything is fine. You're just overthinking it. Your walls are supposed to come down either ways." Tommy wanted to continue but he could see Pond's face looking through the window form the door. "I think he's here to see you."

When Pond spots Phuwin, he enters the class. The lecturer had to stop her lesson and address Pond. It was obvious from Pond's lab coat that he wasn't a student from engineering. "How can I help you?" The lecturer asks.

"I need to talk to Phuwin for a while. It's regarding the new batch of students" Pond answers. Phuwin couldn't believe the kind of lie would fool an educator in school but then again, they are the seniors and it would be a believable lie.

"Phuwin, please head outside." The lecturer said. "Also, Tommy, I believe you are part of the group as well? Please discuss with the student from the other faculty."

Tommy and Phuwin got out of the class and Pond nods at Tommy before turning to Phuwin. "Why haven't you been answering my texts and calls?" Pond asks politely.

"Wow, that's one way to greet a friend but either way. Hello, Pond." Tommy says as he watch Phuwin and Pond have their little argument.

"I'm just busy." Phuwin answers.

Pond turns to Tommy. "I'm sorry, I just need answers. One moment he was jerking me off and the next he leave me. I am lost."

Tommy sigh. "The both of you settle it within yourselves, I'm going to head out and see if Jimmy doing fine. I wish the both of you the best of luck and please don't put me in the middle. I don't want to side with anyone if you guys were to fight."

Tommy walks away and Pond could see that they are attracting the attention from other students. He grabs onto Phuwin's wrist and pulls him away from the hallway. Pond looks for an empty classroom and barges right in, throwing Phuwin inside as well. He locks the door behind him and walks up to Phuwin. "What is wrong with you?" Pond asks.

Phuwin looks into Pond's eyes and could see many emotions behind it including anger. "What do you mean? I told you that I was busy. What else do you want?"

Pond grabs onto Phuwin's collar and slams him against the wall. He leans in close to Phuwin's face. "Yeah. Busy avoiding me right? I know you like me as well. If you wouldn't we wouldn't have done whatever you did. You pulled me in not the other way around." Pond answers, trying to keep his volume to a minimum.

"I don't like you alright." Phuwin lies, arguing back, raising his voice. "You're the one who liked me."

Pond leans in closer with his brow furrowing. "Yes. I like you. If I wouldn't, I won't be here right now. I know you like me back. It's obvious on what you're feeling but you're not acknowledging it. I gave you a few days to think about it. I even asks about your wellbeing and you ignored me."

Phuwin could feel the hot breath from Pond's lips and it's making him uneasy. Pond is too close to him. Phuwin tries to push him away but Pond holds his ground. Phuwin forgot how firm Pond's chest was and it's frustrating that he's so fit and its making him flustered. Phuwin rips Pond's shirt open, buttons dropping to the floor.

"Oh yeah? And you think it's so easy to ignore you with your nice chest showing off and your irritating personality?!" Phuwin couldn't take his eyes off Pond's skin.

Pond didn't expect Phuwin to rip his shirt open. It was completely unexpected. Pond grins and cups the boy's cheek, tilting his eyes towards his own. "Yeah. I'm irritating but you couldn't get enough of me can you?" Pond answers flirtatiously.

Phuwin scans Pond's eyes as he tries to read the situation. Phuwin once again initiate the kiss. He pushes himself forward, finding Pond's lips onto his. Phuwin craves for Pond's lips ever since the day he left. He's never lustfully connected with anyone before and this is the first. He couldn't get enough of it.

Phuwin's hands starts to roam onto Pond's chest. The warm and sweaty skin on Phuwin's fingertips is enough to make his mind go hazy. Their kisses are desperate and aggressive as if their pent up anger against each other are the only thing driving them to their lustful act.

Phuwin puts his arm around Pond's skin, hugging him from within his shirt, pulling him closer. Their breath hot and heavy and the taste of each other's tongue is more than enough to fuel each other. Pond cups Phuwin's soft cheeks and holding it as if it was a trophy to be won. The two boys are engrossed with each other that it was hard for them to break their lip locking for air.

The sudden knock on the door catches them off guard. Pond immediately pulls away and covers himself with his coat. The buttons has completely fallen off his shirt, making it impossible to cover his chest. Pond hugs his coat tightly, making sure no piece of skin is exposed. Phuwin leans against the wall and pretends that there's nothing going on.

The two boys panic as the door starts to open. Jimmy appears behind the door. "Oh. I thought it was someone else." Jimmy says nervously. "I'm supposed to find my class but I got lost."

Pond and Phuwin looks at each other with a sigh of relief that they were not caught. Phuwin pushes himself off from the wall. "I'll show you to your class." Phuwin offers.

Pond grabs onto Phuwin's wrists while the other hand keep tightly onto his coat. "So are you going to reply from now on?" Pond asks.

"We will see." Phuwin winks at him.

Phuwin and Jimmy left the room, leaving Pond with a smile in the classroom. At least now he finally has an answer and it was filling him up to the brim with glee. He quickly got out of the classroom and back to his faculty.

"So are you and Pond... You know... Something?" Jimmy asks.

"No." Phuwin lies as he walks with Jimmy.

"Well, I have the keys to the classrooms and I know something was fishy when it was locked. I was about to tell one of the seniors about it until I saw the two of you inside after unlocking it. I closed the door and knocked instead so it doesn't seem like I'm interrupting you guys." Jimmy explains.

Phuwin's face got red. "You saw everything?"

" Yes. You guys are definitely in heat." Jimmy replies nonchalantly.

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