Chapter 10

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Jimmy is exhausted once he reached home. "I'm back." He greets as he throws his bag onto the sofa and heads towards the kitchen for water. He realizes that he's alone and Tommy and Phuwin is nowhere to be seen.

Jimmy quickly grabs a shower and starts cooking for dinner. Jimmy knows that Tommy is jealous over the things that Jimmy couldn't control and thought he should cook for the boy dinner. He tried to make all of Tommy's favourite.

Just as Jimmy is setting up the table, the main door opens up. Tommy is immediately hit with the fragrance of spices and dishes. It makes his stomach growl. "Welcome back." Jimmy greets. "I cooked dinner."

Tommy walks over, still feeling a little angry at Jimmy for letting other people touch him. "That's a lot of food." Tommy comments.

"Well, considering  how you were a little angry today, I thought this would cheer you up." Jimmy says.

Tommy takes a seat, looking over at all of the food. Jimmy joins him. "Have you seen Phuwin? He hasn't come home yet. I'm not sure if we should leave some for him." Jimmy asks.

Tommy shakes his head as he stuff his mouth with food. "It's fine. He's not coming home. We can eat it all." Tommy replies with his mouth full. Jimmy laughs at him. Seeing Jimmy this happy compared to when they were in school is definitely better.

Tommy takes his drinks and clears his throat. "Anyway, sorry about bullying you guys. I just don't like it when other people touch you the way I do. It's just so irritating." Tommy confesses. "I should've given them a harsher punishment."

Jimmy shakes his head and reaches for Tommy's hand. "I know. Pond told me about it. He knows how jealous you can get. But anyway, as much as they would like to hold my hand, they still won't to taste the food that I cook for you." Jimmy bounces his brows.

Tommy points at him with a fork. "You better. I'll try not to get jealous. Emphasize on the try. So if I do get jealous, I might just blow off some steam on the people around you." Tommy smiles at him forcefully.

"What matters is that you try." Jimmy replies. He takes a spoon full of Tommy's favourite dish. "As a reward for trying, you get extra of this."

Pond and Phuwin got into the car after their dinner at a restaurant nearby Pond's place. The place wasn't high class but it was something that Pond could appreciate. "That place was better than expected. I am so full I couldn't even eat another bite." Phuwin complains as he rubs his belly.

"This is a place to take note to eat the next time." Pond says as he starts the engine. "Anywhere else you would like to drop by?"

Phuwin shakes his head. "It's fine. We still have to go to school tomorrow and it's getting late. Anyway thanks for letting me sleep over. I don't wanna know if Jimmy and Tommy is having an argument or not. It'll be bad for the baby with the stress around."

Pond's brow meets in the middle and his face painted with confusion. "What baby? Are you pregnant or something?"

Phuwin grins at Pond. "Me. I'm the baby."

Pond rolls his eyes. "Well then. If you really want to be the baby so badly, how about I'll give you some milk?" Pond bounces his brows. Phuwin clears his throat and rolls his eyes, looking away from Pond. "Come on, you're the one who dares to do such thing, don't be so shy about it."

Phuwin ignores him and Pond laughs to himself as he drives them home. The two wasted no time taking turns to shower and Phuwin was the first to jump onto the bed while Pond fiddles with his computer. Phuwin takes a peek as sees Pond on some graphs again.

"Thanks for letting me stay over." Phuwin says as he covers himself with the duvet.

"No problem. I'd tie you up here if I can so you won't be able to leave." Pond  answers while his eyes are still glued onto the screen. Phuwin looks at Pond with wide eyes, unsure what he meant by that but it definitely sounds something that Phuwin is willing to try.

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