Chapter 11

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Tommy pace around the toilet as he tries to reach for Phuwin on his phone. The boy didn't seem to pick up no matter how many times he called. He puts down the phone and keeps it in his pocket. Phuwin is supposed to help him with orientation today but he's nowhere to be found.

Tommy let out a sigh and walks into the school hall, approaching the class he's taking today. He sees Jimmy among his peers. They all seem a little too well behaved for today. Tommy scratches his head. They are usually noisy and inattentive. "Well, since you guys are so well behaved today. Do you guys want some free some until ten?" Tommy asks.

The faces on the students are sheer shock. For the past few days their orientation, Tommy has been giving them hell and all of a sudden there's a sudden change in his attitude. The class is still silent and Tommy meet eyes with Jimmy who flashes a smile at him. "So is the silence a yes or a no?" Tommy asks.

"Yes!" Jimmy yells out.

"Alright, go have your free time. Don't forget to report back here by ten. I won't be the only senior here by then." Tommy instructs.

"Yes, senior!" The whole class yells with joy and they scatter.

Jimmy quickly runs towards Tommy. The urge to hug the smaller man is strong but he got to hold back. "Tommy, why did you give us free time?" Jimmy asks.

"Phuwin isn't here. I don't know where he's at. So I figured I'd just wait it out. It'd' be better than you guys having to do cheers early in the morning." Tommy answers.

"Senior! I thought you are going to give us another hell of a time again." One of the students approaches the two of them. "Jimmy told us to behave and everything will turn out fine. I didn't expect he would be right."

Jimmy's eyes twitches when Natasitt says that. "You're not so bad after all, senior." Natasitt flashes him a smile.

Jimmy let out a sigh. "Are you mad?" Jimmy asks.

"No. If you guys can keep this up and make my job easier, it'd be better." Tommy turns to Natasitt. "Anyway, what's your name? It's hard for me to catch everyone's name during the first few days." Tommy asks.

"Natasitt. You both seem pretty close." He comments on the observation.

"Well, Jimmy got lost with the keys to the classroom. Not to mention that he's also the tallest one here. It's easy to remember someone like him." Tommy replies. Tommy could tell that he's the person that Jimmy was talking about when he wants to collect his uniform. He has to act dumb if he wants to help Jimmy with his independence

Jimmy scratches his head. "Yeah. This building is kinda big. It's easy to get lost here."

Natasitt looks at Jimmy. "Let's go, I want to grab some breakfast." He invites Jimmy. "Do you wanna come along too?" He looks at Tommy.

Tommy shakes his head. "It's fine, you guys just go ahead. There's some things I have to do."

Jimmy nods. "We'll see you later." He says as he walks off with Natasitt.

Tommy didn't know what Jimmy did but the amount of people surrounding him is significantly lesser. He checks his phone for any socials about Jimmy and it is still the same with Jimmy being the better looking one in the faculty.

Pond's number appears up on his phone all of a sudden and he knows that Phuwin must be involved in this. He picks up his phone, putting it onto his ear. "So where is Phuwin?" Tommy asks.

"We're on the way. Don't need to worry." Pond replies calmly. "We bought you some juice as well in case you're angry."

Tommy pinches the bridge of his nose. "You better bring more than that. Phuwin is supposed to help me with the orientation. You guys better be here before ten or I'll murder the both of you personally. Also you better give me a good reason why you're late."

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