Chapter 3

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Tommy and Jimmy looks at Phuwin and Pond as they have their supper. They are place relatively far away from them and Tommy let out a sigh. "I should've known something like this would happen. I feel bad for Phuwin having to deal with Pond." Tommy says as he looks at the two of them glaring at each other.

"It's fine. At least this way, you manage to drag Phuwin out of the house. You've been complaining on how he's stuck at home most of the time that it's driving you nuts." Jimmy says and he takes a sip of water.

"That's true but at what cost." Tommy replies.

"Just think of it as he's making a new friend." Jimmy takes a portion of his food and puts it on Tommy's plate. "Now stop thinking about them and focus. I have a request that I'd like to ask you."

"Hmm?" Tommy looks up at Jimmy with his big eyes.

"I'd like to request that when I start school in a few days, I don't want anyone to know about us." Jimmy says. "I know it might not be something you wouldn't like but I'd like to assess the situation with  my classmates before I can reveal to them about our relationship." Jimmy explains himself.

Tommy would lie to himself if that didn't hurt a little bit but he understands from Jimmy's point of view. He came from another province and adjusting himself to the environment is going to be difficult. Tommy nods. "Sure. I completely get what you mean. Just let me know if you'd like any help. You are still my junior after all."

Jimmy smiles from ear to ear. "Thank you. I knew you would understand." Jimmy reaches out for Tommy's hand, holding it tightly. "Is there anything I got to look out for during my first day?"

Tommy shakes his head. "Nothing much. It'll mostly be orientation and some hazing. I can get the seniors to lay their hands off you if you'd like." Tommy asks.

Jimmy shakes his head. "That'll only be worse. The others will question why I'm excused from being hazed. It's just going to make me look suspicious. So just let it be, also I'd like your friends not to know about us."

Tommy laughs nervously as he scratches his head. "About that, some of my friends already know about you but I doubt that they know who you are when they meet you in person." Tommy laughs out nervously.

Jimmy nods. "It's fine. I don't want to know that I got into this college just because of you. I mean most of it is but you are the one who thought me on how to love studies for engineering."

Tommy let out a soft laugh. "Jimmy, don't forget. You're still young. You have a lot of things that you can do. Don't do it because of me. You got to pick things because you want them."

Jimmy smiles and nods. "For now, I want nothing else but you."

Tommy let out a sigh. "You're getting as difficult to handle like Phuwin."

"Isn't this considered cheating?" Phuwin asks as he leans forward towards the table. "Tommy and Jimmy are literally on another table."

Pond leans back against the chair. "Why? Are you scared that you'll lose right after making our wager?"

Phuwin snickers. "No. It's just a bit unfair that you put them somewhere else so you can have some alone time with me."

The waiter put their food on their table and Phuwin thanks the waiter. Pond lifts a brow. "Why did you say thank you? Isn't it their job to do that?" Pond asks arrogantly.

Phuwin's brow touches at the things that Pond says. "You lack manners. It might be their job but saying things like that could lift someone else's day." Phuwin pinches the bridge of his nose. "If this keeps up I might be going off first. I can't deal with you."

"Look. Fine. I'll try to learn some things from you. I don't know if Tommy has told you but I came from a rich family where money matters most. I'm sorry if my manners or boastfulness irritates you." Pond reaches out for his hand, holding it tightly. "If there's one thing, you're the first person who told me all of this."

"Tommy didn't tell you this?" Phuwin lifts a brow, pulling his hand away from Pond.

"Well. He did but that was years back when we were younger." Pond lifts his brows. "I didn't take it seriously then."

"I'll stab you with this fork." Phuwin grabs onto the fork.

"Let's just try to get through this supper together." Pond says as he starts eating. When Phuwin takes a bite out of it, Pond notice the boy's eye lighting up. "Good isn't it?"

"Y-Yeah. How much is all of this?" Phuwin asks. "I don't want to be in your debt."

"Don't worry about the bill. How about you answer my questions in return of the favor?" Pond asks.

"Suspicious but I'll bite. What's your question?" Phuwin continues to eat.

"If you're in the same college as Tommy, why haven't I seen you before?" Pond asks.

"Maybe you are too rich to eat at the cafeteria in school. That's why you didn't see me." Phuwin answers sarcastically. Pond lifts a brow at Phuwin, causing him to clear his throat. "Sorry, that was rude. I usually go home straight after class. I don't see a point in hanging out."

"Well then. I'll give you a reason to hang out." Pond answers. "I'm in the dentistry faculty. Most of my lessons are practical so there's no need to study as much. Next question, why did you breakup during your previous relationship."

Phuwin rolls his eyes. "I'm not going to say much but let's just say that he cheated on me and I found out."

Pond nods his head, continuing to eat as he thinks of the next question. "Then what about you? Why haven't you been in a long relationship? You got the money and looks for it." Phuwin asks.

Pond clears his throat. "As you said, I have no personality. Even if they're into me, it's usually for my money. I want someone to like me for who I am, you know what I mean?"

Phuwin smiles, having a decent conversation with  Pond and seeing him trying to show his manners while eating his supper makes him realize that he's genuinely putting his best for Phuwin which questions his intention. "So for say if you make me like you, what's your plan after that?" Phuwin asks.

Pond grabs the napkin and wipes his mouth. Phuwin notices as he looks at him, finding for an answer. "I have never thought that far before. As I said, I don't like to lose. However, I'm not disappointed with you so far for our first date. You never flatter me with words, you're straight to the point and you look rather cute tonight."

Phuwin could feel his face heat up and blush. It's been a long time since he has gotten a compliment for anyone. He clears his throat. "Sorry but I don't fall for words. However, I could see that there are improvements in just a week from our last conversation, you're more tolerable now. I didn't walk out on you this time." Phuwin says with a grin.

Pond lifts a brow flirtatiously. "Don't forget, you're going to live with me from tonight onwards, so you got to be more tolerable with me than tonight."

Phuwin looks away, scratching his head. "Somehow I regret making that decision. Could we postpone it to another date or make another agreement?" He asks.

Pond shakes his head. "There's two reason why I want you to live with me. One, it is to give Jimmy and Tommy some alone time. They hardly see each other and even if they do, it'd usually be on a weekend where Tommy would have to drive out for a couple of hours just to see Jimmy."

Phuwin nods. "Understandable. What's your next one?"

"Second, it'd be easier for you to fall for me when I'm constantly around you." Pond winggle his brows.

Phuwin rolls his eyes. "I can't wait for this three months to end."

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