Chapter 13

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"I hope you don't mind. I brought my friends over. I didn't thought you'd call today. We have a lot of food here." Pond says as he opens the door to his house, inviting Phuwin in.

Pond could tell that Phuwin is nervous by the way he looks. Phuwin smiles nervously. "Then I think I should just head back. I don't want to ruin your time with your friends." Phuwin says as he turns around and prepares to walk back out the door but Pond closes the door on him and steps before him.

Pond lifts his brow. "I know your friends, why can't you know mine?" Pond asks.

"That's not fair. Technically my friends are your friends as well. Plus I'm really tired today. I took over Tommy's position as his senior to orientate the new juniors." Phuwin complains, hoping that Pond will take the excuse.

"Are you sure? It's been a month already, I don't think the new juniors need any more orientation. Are you forgetting that I'm a senior too? I know these kind of things as well." Pond replies.

"W-Well, you see some of the juniors are still having trouble adjusting to the environment so they come up to me for help." Phuwin answers nervously. He knows that it might seem like a lie but because of the new juniors, he went home late. The look on Pond's face seem to think that his words are a lie. "Believe me, Pond! I'm telling you the truth!"

"Fine. I'll send you home after having dinner here. I can't send you home without eating anything." Pond says.

Phuwin grunts in reply. Pond grabs onto his wrist and drags him through the kitchen. Phuwin noticed the stacks of pizza boxes and bottles alcohol. Pond brings him into the living room where he sees that a couple of friends, are actually a whole lot of people. It was like Pond is having a party.

"Pond, I thought you said a couple of friends? There's a ton of people here." Phuwin asks.

"Well, initially I was alone. When you texted me, I was really happy and thought we should celebrate today where you asked me out for dinner first." Pond replies. He puts Phuwin's hand up in the air. "This is Phuwin! I hope you guys will treat him well!" Pond yells.

Everyone in the room and out in the pool area cheers. "Now play the music!" Pond yells out. The blast of music starts playing and Pond smiles at Phuwin. "Aren't you happy? This is all for you." Pond asks.

Phuwin laughs nervously. "I prefer something more quieter." He answers.

Before Phuwin could reply, Phuwin's phone starts to ring. He holds up a hand to Pond as he walks away, picking up the phone. "Tommy?" Phuwin says through the phone.

"How's the party?" Tommy asks.

"Help." Phuwin begs. He could hear Tommy laughing through the phone. "Please."

"I just got the text from Pond to celebrate the first time you asked him out for dinner. Honestly, I thought you'd ask him out before." Tommy replies.

"Please. He told me I can't go back with an empty stomach. Not to mention we have class tomorrow. Tommy please help me." Phuwin begs once more.

"Are you sure? You're not mad at me or anything?" Tommy asks, in an almost sarcastic manner. "I guess I should have warned you about this. Anyway try to get some food in your system. Pond will probably offer you a couple of drinks and knowing how light weight you can be, I don't want to bring you back home drunk. So I suggest you eat and don't drink. We will be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you, Tommy. Please be here quick." Phuwin answers before putting down the phone. It's times like this where he can count on Tommy. When he turns around, Pond is standing there with an upset look. "P-Pond. Did you hear my conversation?"

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