Chapter 5

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Jimmy wakes up and rubs his eyes with Tommy hugging him from the side. Jimmy pat's Tommy's head before slipping out between his arms sneakily. He stands there as he watches Tommy, ensuring that he hasn't wake up yet.

When Tommy shows no signs of waking up, Jimmy sneaks out of the room and heads to kitchen. It's been a long time since he cooks breakfast for Tommy. He searches the fridge for anything he could cook and found the things he needed for Tommy's favourite breakfast.

Tommy could hear the sound of metal clanking onto each other, waking him up from his slumber. "Jimmy?" He opens his eyes and realizes that the boy is no longer in bed. He pushes himself up and rubs his eyes from the dirt. Tommy let out a yawn, ignoring the sounds of metal clanking onto each other until he was ready to investigate.

He got out of bed and drags his feet as he got out of the room. The smell of eggs and meat linger in the air, making his stomach growling. He sees Jimmy cooking in the kitchen and walks over to him, hugging him from behind. Jimmy got startled by the sudden embrace. "Did I wake you up?" Jimmy asks.

Tommy shakes his head against Jimmy's back. "Nope. What are you cooking? I can't see."

Jimmy raises his arm up as Tommy peeks from his side. Tommy feels small beside Jimmy despite him being at an average height but Jimmy apparently likes him the way he is. When Tommy sees eggs and meat with fish sauce and chilli, he licks his lips. Jimmy let out a small laugh. "Your favourite. I know just how you like it, extra fish sauce and chilli."

"You know me so well." Tommy tries to reach out for one of the meat that Jimmy puts aside and got slapped on the wrist.

"Brush your teeth first before eating." Jimmy scolds him.

"Fine. I'll be back for those." Tommy heads out of the kitchen and quickly brushes his teeth in the bathroom. He couldn't wait to indulge on the food that Jimmy is cooking. He misses Jimmy's breakfast and his family's food. Thankfully he has Jimmy here with him to cook all that for him. When Tommy got back to the kitchen and sees Jimmy setting up the dishes, Tommy grabs one of the plates.

"Did you even brush your teeth? It's not even five minutes." Jimmy squints his eyes at him.

"Yes." Tommy pouts his lips. Jimmy pouts his lips as well, pecking their lips together. "See, I brushed my teeth."

Jimmy nods. "Good. I'll join you at the sofa in a while."

Tommy sits on the sofa and sets up the television just in time for Jimmy to join him. Tommy grabs a spoonful and puts it in his mouth. Jimmy definitely loves him with the way he set up his meal. "Anyway, what's your plan for today? You seem to be waking up rather early." Tommy asks.

"I'm heading to school later to get my uniform. Then I'll probably get my shoes tomorrow and a rest day after that before school starts." Jimmy informs.

"Need me to accompany you?" Tommy asks.

Jimmy shakes his head. "It's fine. I want to try make new friends there while getting my uniform. Not that I'm saying that you'll be in the way but the seniors there would probably recognize you with me and I don't want my cover blown in front of new people."

Tommy reaches his hand over Jimmy's head and messes up his hair. "Mister Independent here. Why do you grow up so fast? On a serious note, if there's anything you need help with, just text me. I'll always be happy to help."

Phuwin has never had a soft bed like this in his life. He feels completely refreshed when he opens his eyes. It takes a while for Phuwin to realize that what his head was lying on wasn't the pillow. He blinks his eyes a couple of times, realizing that he is laying on Pond's arm while hugging him like a bolster.

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