Chapter 16

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Phuwin wakes up the next day with Ponds arm around him. Phuwin's body is aching so badly and his mouth is dry, most probably from all the choking and kissing from last night. "Hey, Pond, I'm going to go get a drink." He whispers as he slides out from the boy's arms.

Pond grumbles and turns to the other side as he continues his sleep. Phuwin got out of the room and grabs a glass of water. Phuwin could tell from the way that the sun is shining, it is about noon. He figured he deserve the rest after last night.

He hears a click from a door and sees Tommy walking out of his room without a shirt on. He noticed a bite mark on his shoulder. Tommy's sleepy eyes widen up when he sees Phuwin. "Don't you have morning class?" Tommy asks.

"You mean, don't we have morning class?" Phuwin asks back. "I see that you were doing something interesting last night that you woke up late." He says as Tommy grabs a glass of water to hydrate himself.

Tommy lets out a small giggle. "I could say the same for you. I could hear you and Pond going at it the whole night even after me and Jimmy is done." Tommy leans against the kitchen counter as he looks at Phuwin. "So how's your first time?"

"Honestly, it was good. I think I tire Pond out a little." Phuwin replies.

Tommy laughs. "Well, considering that he's still asleep now, a little is an understatement. He usually wakes up before noon. What did you do him? Dry him out?" Tommy jokes.

Phuwin laughs nervously. "Y-Yeah." Phuwin scratches his head. "I wanted it go on till morning but after our fifth round, he fell asleep."

Tommy is taking a sip from his drink and he spits it out after hearing Phuwin's words. "What?! Fifth?!" Tommy exclaims. Before Phuwin could reply. Tommy puts out his hand. "You know what, I don't want to know. As long as you're happy, I'm good with it. It is your first time, it's normal that you want everything you can get."

Phuwin laughs. "So what are you going to do about Jimmy? Don't he have class? He's going to miss it and technically its going into his second month. It's not going to look good on him."

"It's fine. I can cover him up." Tommy says. "Did I tell you that last night he posted a picture of us together and everyone now knows that we're together?"

Phuwin's eyes widen. "Wait. I thought he wanted to keep it a secret?" Phuwin asks.

"He couldn't handle not hugging me each time he sees me. He rather let it out so he can hug me when and wherever he wants to." Tommy answers. "At least this way, I don't have to get jealous of other people touching him anymore."

"That's true. You can have him all to yourself now." Phuwin replies. "I don't even know when I'm going to start being into an official relationship with Pond."

Tommy smiles up as he points behind Phuwin with this nose. Pond approaches Phuwin and hugs him from behind, nuzzling his nose into Phuwin's neck. "How about we start that today?" Pond asks.

Phuwin chuckles from the nuzzle. "Can you put a shirt on? I'm not the only person here." Phuwin scolds.

"It's fine. Tommy wouldn't mind. He sees me shirtless all the time." Pond replies. "You still haven't answer my question, how about being mine from today onwards? Then you can stay over at my place. I promise I won't have any party without your permission."

Phuwin grumbles before smiling to himself. "How about you stay here with us? I don't like big houses anyway."

"No no no. Do you not see how much stuff Pond has in his room? Where is he going to put all of that here?" Tommy asks, intervening in their conversation. "Phuwin, I suggests you move to his place. At least it'd be easier for you."

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