Chapter 15

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"You're sleeping over." Phuwin all but begged.

Pond lifts a brow. "I can't. If you forgot, my house is having a party and I have to get back."

Phuwin walks over to the door and locks it. "It wasn't a question. Go and grab a shower, there's a towel inside for you." Phuwin says as he opens up his closet. "I'll get some clothes for you to wear."

Pond has never seen Phuwin this firm and decides to do as he says. Pond heads into the shower, looking at Phuwin before closing the door. Phuwin let out a long sigh, unsure on how to start it but all he knows is that the influence of alcohol has definitely boost up his lust.

He knows he's not drunk because he can still think on his own two feet and he has no problem walking. He hears Pond turning on the shower. Phuwin gives up thinking and starts peeling off his clothes and heads towards the bathroom. He tries to open the door, hoping that Pond forgotten to lock it and to his luck, it was unlocked.

Pond is unaware of Phuwin's intrusion. He scrubs his shoulder as he lather his skin. The sudden embrace from behind scares him. "Let me scrub your back." Phuwin says as he gets soap into his hands and starts scrubbing Pond's back.

Pond turns around and pushes Phuwin's hands away. Pond's eyes couldn't help but stare on Phuwin's naked body. The way his pearly white skin shines with the droplets of water makes him feel uneasy. "Uhh... I think I should call Tommy." Pond says as he tries to escape.

Phuwin grabs Pond by the wrists and pulls him back into the shower. "I've already talked to Tommy." Phuwin says as he puts his hands onto Pond's chest, slowly sliding it down to his belly. Pond could feel the small sense of electricity shock him as Phuwin glides his fingers onto his nub.

Phuwin could see the panic face as Phuwin cups his privates, feeling his shaft slowly growing in his hands. Pond didn't know what to do, he don't want Tommy to think that he came here just for some dirty time with Phuwin but Phuwin isn't giving him any chances to escape. "I think you're drunk." Pond says.

Phuwin shakes his head. "I wish I was but I'm not." Phuwin says as he puts his lips on Pond's. He pushes Pond against the wall. "I had enough of small teases." Phuwin kisses Pond once again but Pond pushes Phuwin away.

Pond examines Phuwin's face for anything that might displease him but all he got was a scorn for pushing him away. "Tommy won't interfere. I've already talked to him. So are we doing this or not?" Phuwin asks, gripping tighter onto his shaft.

Pond let out a hitch of breath. "I-I don't want Tommy to think that I'm only using you for sex." Pond replies as he feels the grip getting tighter.

Phuwin shakes his head and shows Pond a sly grin. "Then how about you show me how you going to use me for now? You got a pass from Tommy and me."

"Are you sure?" Pond asks.

Phuwin let out an exhausted breath. "Yes. Would I be doing this if I didn't get it?" Phuwin asks.

Pond has a sudden change of personality, letting his lust take over him. He grabs Phuwin by the shoulders and turns their position, slamming Phuwin against the wall, the water still showering on them. "I thought I wasn't going to get this." Pond says as he leans in forward and claims Phuwin's lips.

Phuwin plays with Pond's shaft in his hands, grabbing the sack and softly tugging onto it. Pond couldn't help but let out soft moans into Phuwin's mouth as their tongue starts to exchange their greetings. Pond's hand slams onto Phuwin's chest, finally able to feel Phuwin's skin without any clothes on.

Pond feels his way through Phuwin's chest, finding for his nub. Pond pinches and twists it lightly. Phuwin stops his movement and start letting out loud moans as he jerks back with Pond's fingers on his nub. He wasn't ready for the electrifying ecstasy coursing through his body with just Pond's fingers on his chest. Pond grins at Phuwin's reaction. "You're sensitive there, eh?"

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