Chapter 12

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Jimmy pushes Tommy against the kitchen counter, locking him between his hands as he places them on it. Jimmy could feel his lust building him as he sees the smaller boy in front of him in an apron. "It's been long time since we did it. We haven't even done it since I arrived." Jimmy says.

Tommy swallows the ball of lust curling up in his throat. Tommy hates to admit it but Jimmy right. They haven't had any alone time together. They've been busy living their own lives in school and when they got home, they're too tired.

"Are you sure you don't me to cook dinner first?" Tommy asks. "Plus we both just came back from school."

"Well, isn't that the point? Phuwin isn't here and the both of us finish class early. I can't think of a better time than now." Jimmy answers.

Tommy grins at Jimmy. Whatever he says is true. They're finally alone with a lot of spare time in their hands. It's something that is really hard to come by. Tommy leans forward, tipping his toes as he catches Jimmy's lips with his own.

It's been so long since Tommy gets to taste Jimmy's lips like this. He sucks onto Jimmy's bottom lip, feeling the softness of his skin. The two boys start to embrace each other in a passionate manner. Something that they both crave from each other and is now being satisfied.

Jimmy puts his hand on Tommy's nape as he holds the boy's head , using his hand as an anchor as he pushes himself onto Tommy even  harder. They miss the way they get to hold each other during this sacred moment, it's not something they would get every day and now that Jimmy is staying with Tommy, he thought he'd get to feel this often but he is wrong, only now he gets to feel this.

The door creaks opens and the two boys stop their tracks to turn their head towards the main door. The two of them didn't care that their hands are still on each other. The two of them wanted to see who dares to disturb their sacred time with each other.

Phuwin stops at his tracks as he sees Jimmy and Tommy hands wrapped around each other. Phuwin knows that he definitely came home at the wrong timing. "Am I disturbing you guys?" Phuwin asks, pretending to be oblivious of the scene.

Jimmy shakes his head. He turns to Tommy. "I wouldn't mind doing it in front of Phuwin. At least he can learn a thing or two when he starts doing it with Pond." Jimmy let out a sly grin.

Phuwin's face heats up from embarrassment. "What makes you think we haven't did it?"

Tommy's eyes widen and he pushes Jimmy away gently, the feelings of lust completely disappeared. "Wait. You did it with Pond?" Tommy asks as he walks  up towards Phuwin. "Why do I not know about this?"

Jimmy walks over to Tommy and hugs him from behind, resting his chin on Tommy's head while wrapping his arms around his shoulder. "Well, as I said, if he wants to learn more, he could learn from us." Jimmy repeats.

"I didn't say that we did it." Phuwin defended himself.

"But you didn't say you didn't do it." Tommy points at Phuwin threateningly. "Yes or no? Like completely do it and no half half things here and there."

"If that's your question then no." Phuwin answers confidently. "Anyway why is it your problem if we want to do it or not?" Phuwin asks, his tone slightly offended.

"Look, I know you might want to do it with Pond but are you sure he's the one? I mean both you and I know that you're still... fresh. I'm just trying to make sure that you're making the right decision. Pond is not the freshest in the sea." Tommy reasons out.

"As fresh as the both of you trying to do it on the kitchen counter?"  Phuwin argues back.

Jimmy walks between the both of them. He could see the argument is getting more heated by the second. "How about I cook a good dinner while the two of you cool off in the room? Doesn't that sound nice?" Jimmy tries to nullify the argument.

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